What A Difference 5 Years Makes

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"Lucca Rott. If you are not down these stairs in the next 5 minutes you can forget going to football with your dad and uncles this weekend."
"Aww mommy that's not fair." a muffled cry came back.
"I mean it." She walked into the kitchen.
Her husband sat there with a grin on his face bouncing their 6 month old son on his knee.
"That was a bit harsh. He's so looking forward to it." He told her as she collected the dishes in front of their 5 Yr old twin daughters and 3 Yr old daughter.
"These three are up and ready for kindergarten and school so should he be. I don't know where he gets it from." She laughs knowing full well who he takes after.

A mini Jacob walked in. His hair messy, in need of a comb and his eyes puffy with tears. His black tracksuit and t-shirt identical to his dad's.
"Daddy." He sobbed.
"Mommy is right Lucca. You should get up and have breakfast with your sisters. You are a big boy and you should be showing them how things are done."
He climbed onto the chair next to his dad and apologised to his mom. She gave him a bowl of cereal and combed his hair.
"Are you going to kiss Maysie?" His sister Imogen asked.
"Eww cooties." Her twin Isobelle moaned, pulling a face.

She looked at Jacob and they both raised an eyebrow before looking at their blushing son. He choked on his cereal.
"No, she's ugly."
Jacob leant forward.
"People at school thought your mommy was ugly and look how beautiful she is. I loved her when she was a raupe* then she transformed and turned into a beautiful Schmetterling and I love her even more."
She felt herself blushing at her husband's profession of love.
(*Raupe = caterpillar)



"You mean mommy was ugly when she was my age?" Lucca sat, with his mouth full of cereal, wide open.
"She would say she was and for many years later. But I loved her. I was fat and had a nasty haircut but no one bothered me but they would bully your mommy." He told him while putting a finger under his son's chin and closing his mouth.
Lucca got up and walked around and hugged her.
"I'm sorry mommy. That's not very nice. I promise you I won't bully Maysie even though she's got crossed eyes."
He stifled a laugh in Jr's tummy as his youngest daughter called out "my turn next daddy."
Kara reminded him of Alexis when she was young. She didn't have the funny eye or bucked teeth but her hair was untameable.
"I need to do your hair before kindergarten, miss." Her mother took her hand and lifted her onto the counter. "Let's get these braids in."

Once all the kids were ready they strolled along to the school.
He was totally in awe of his wife. Keeping four children safe in this city was a feat unto itself. She still ran her coffee house, the one in Switzerland she gave to Carlos and Marco. She still took yoga classes and now she has become a published writer.
Standing holding her close as the children played before the bell went, he could feel the other mothers eyes on them.
"Your fan club is watching." She whispered.
He lent down and kissed her soundly.
"I want no one else but you Schmetterling."
Lucca, Imogen and Isobelle ran up and kissed them goodbye as the children made their way into school. Then they dropped Kara at kindergarten.
"Such a lucky woman and children to have him in their lives." He heard a group of women talking.
"Actually I am the lucky one to have such a wonderful woman as my wife and to give me a beautiful family. She is my rock. My soulmate." He told them. Then taking her hand he placed it in his arm as he pushed their youngest son from the playground.

They had sold her father's house to Tim, along with their bed that he begged them to leave behind, and bought a house a little further away.
"How about we put this one in his nursery and go use our playroom and practice for number 6?" He whispered in her ear.
Looking at him she sighed.
"What? I don't like odd numbers." He laughed and pulled her closer to him as they walked towards the home they built together

Jacob Rotts Schmetterling (Jacob Rott) Where stories live. Discover now