Surprise Caller

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Jacobs pov

It had been 13 weeks since he last saw her. The virus had stopped him from travelling to see her as the government's world wide banned travel.

Grandma rang him regularly with updates, but everyone was the same. She was still in a coma but she was improving... Slowly.

Being grounded in Germany, he and the boys built up their business, expanded, and made mountains of tik toks.

It was while making a tik tok that his phone rang. He didn't look at the screen, it would be grandma.

"Hi, what's the news?"


He stopped. It was her voice. It can't be because she's in a coma.

"Jacob, are you there?"

"Lexi!!!" He whispered.

"Hey." Her voice was a little raspy.

"It's really you. Oh my god you're out of the coma." He gushed out.

"Two days. My throat is still sore from the tubes."

"Let me video chat with you. I want to see you."

"I'm a mess." She said but he had hung up.

He rang her WhatsApp video.

Her face came into view.

"Hey beautiful." He smiled at her.

She looked pale and exhausted but she was alive. "I thought I'd never see you again."

"Thought or hoped?" She giggled before coughing.

"Schmetterling, how could you ask that? " He felt hurt.

"Have you been OK?" She asked.

He looked at her. Her hair looked dull and lifeless, her eyes hadn't got their normal glisten but she was more beautiful than ever to him.

"We are all good here. Everyone sends their love. I wish I could come to you. As soon as the air travel is lifted I will be there."

"Don't put yourself in any danger. A few more weeks will be worth it."

Little did we know that a few weeks was going to become almost a year.


Alexis pov

It was wonderful to see him. She wished she had been able to wash her hair and make herself look less ill before she did, but he was insistent.

They've spoke daily since, and one day he rang whilst her nurse was there and she introduced the guys to her.

"Which one belongs to you?" She asked and Jacob said,

"That would be me."

As she walked away she put her thumbs up to say he's nice. Later she told her that she thought the one by the computer was cute. Looks like Jojo had a fan.

It was another few weeks before she was allowed home. She moved back into the cottage, where her cousins came daily and lit her fire and brought her food. It was weird to see them with masks on but it was necessary.

Being bored she took some online courses to keep her mind active, read books and watched movies.

The months dragged and slowly, she got stronger.

Her conversations with Jacob warmed her heart but makes her miss him more

"It can't be much longer." He said one night. "I want you so much."

"All this time apart has not dampened your love for me?" She questioned.

"No. It's made it stronger. I want no one but you Alexis. How about you?"

"As you know there's not much choice round here. Although there's Charlie."

A grin crossed her face as a hurtful look covered his.


She lifted a cute little kitten that she had been looking after.

She was sure she heard his sigh of relief and giggled

Jacob Rotts Schmetterling (Jacob Rott) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora