Berlin To Frankfurt... And Back

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He had looked everywhere he could think of for them. In the past five weeks between his work he had made calls all over Germany to places he thought she would be.
One night Julien called him over to the tv as he had spotted her on some news report. It was about some yoga marathon that was happening in the next month. Rewinding it a few times he noted that it was going to be held in parks around Germany and shown in each park on huge white screens but he hadn't a clue which park she would be at. He even rang the news station and they didn't know.

He sat thinking. There was no way she would be in the crowds where she used to take classes, she would be too near. He rang Clemmy.
"I don't know where she is doing it." She told him.
"Please Clemmy if you know anything can you let me know. I just want to talk to her. Hopefully I'll see her and my boy. I miss them so much. I love her Clemmy. Please if you know please." His voice broke, tears spilling down his cheeks.
He heard a deep sigh from the other end of the phone.
"You broke her heart at a bad time. She's suffered badly with postpartum. I never thought you'd...."
"I didn't Clemmy. It was a set up. I would never cheat on her."
"But the photo and voice recording." She mentioned.
"It would take forever to explain but it's amazing what technology can do. I never did any of it."
"You hurt her again and she finds out I've told you, I won't be happy."
His heart pounded faster. Would he find out where she is???


She had returned to Frankfurt!
He had spoken to his mom and dad and Deana and they all said they hadn't seen her. Why did they lie to him? He rang his mom.
"Hey mom. I've a few days off so I'm coming to visit if that's OK?"
"Of course it is. You're always welcome. Will Alexis and my grandson be coming?" He heard some worry in her tone.
"I still haven't found her mom. Things are bad for me at the moment. I just need some time away." he tells her.
Then he rings Deana and tells her he is coming up soon but not when. She couldn't hide the fearful tone in her voice.


She gets two phone calls half an hour apart telling her of Jacob coming home. She tells them not to worry and that she has made arrangements just in case.
Seated on the train she looked around the station. That was when she spotted him. He had just exited the train and was on his way to the taxi rank. A judder told her the train was leaving. She would be home in 5 hours. Cuddling her son she made herself comfortable.

The kitchen was a mess. Heaven knows what has happened.
She put the kitchen table back right and swept up all the debris from the floor.
Everywhere else was just dusty. After cleaning around and emptying the fridge of rotting food, she changed her son and put him in his pushchair. She piled her hair up under a hat and put sunglasses on.
"Let's go buy some food." His babbling made her smile.
She didn't know but not far behind her, she was being watched.

Back home she put away the shopping, then went out again to enjoy the weather and walked around the park bumping into some old friends and having a talk. Once back home, Lucca was sleeping upstairs so she put her feet up. She missed this place. Closing her eyes she remembered sitting in this same spot, Jacob lying with his head in her lap kissing her baby bump. Him holding her, stroking her. She could still feel his hands on her hair.
"Schmetterling." She could hear his voice, a tear sprang from her eye. She felt him wipe it away.
Quickly she jumped up.
"Get out." She spat moving away from him.

Jacob Rotts Schmetterling (Jacob Rott) Where stories live. Discover now