Jacob The Fashion Guru

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(⚠️ some mention of sex)

Jacobs pov

Waking, he found himself alone. Her side of the bed was slightly warm so she hadn't been gone long.

Pulling himself from the bed he took his morning wood to the bathroom, peed and brushed his teeth.

He went to the kitchen and found her mixing something in a bowl. She was standing there in just his shirt. His c**k rose to the occasion and his breath caught in his throat. Quietly creeping up behind her he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Why aren't you still in bed with me?" He asked, whispering the question into her ear.

"Too much temptation, plus I wanted to make you breakfast." She smiled. "So go back to bed."

He shook his head and turned her to face him.

"Oh no. I've always wanted to do this."

He lifted her up onto the counter. Her legs wrapped around him as he pressed his c**k against her s*x.

A bang on the window pulled them apart.

"Alexis, Alexis." The voice of her cousin Con came.

"Go away." She shouted back as he groaned at the disruption. "Grandma told you to stay away."

"Grandma wants to see Jacob. Now." He yelled back.

"We're just eating breakfast and then he needs a shower. Tell her he'll be there in an hour."

"Okay, but you'll suffer the consequences." Con shouted back.

He looked at her.

"Remember where we were." He kissed her. "I'll grab that shower."

"What about breakfast?" She pouted.

"I'll have extras once I'm back."

Placing her back on the floor he made his way to the bathroom.

Showered and dressed he found her still in the kitchen, munching on pancakes. His stomach growled as she put a piece towards his lips. He took it eagerly.

"Cinnamon?" He asked.

She smiled.

"I'll be as quick as I can. It's straight up the path isn't it?"

Nodding, she teased him by taking another mouthful of pancake and syrup.

At her grandma's door he knocked and one of her cousins opened it, looking him up and down.

"Let the boy in Declan." Her grandma scowled.

He stood there. Grandma sat at the table with a box in front of her.

"Before I get rid of these eejits and talk to you about what I want to, they want to know if you can help them."

He looked at Lexis' cousins.

"What's wrong?" He was confused.

"We want to look good like you." Con tried to straighten his clothes.

"Get a girl like Alexis." Declan grinned.

His eyes widened at their reasons. Boy he had his work cut out.


Alexis pov

Jacob had been gone for almost three hours. What did her grandma want with him?

Looking up she saw him running down the path. He ran in and locked the door.

"Everything OK?" He looked flustered.

"If your cousins come knocking, ignore them." He panted. "I'm giving them no more tips on making themselves look 'sexy'"

She laughed at him.

"Oh no they didn't?" She began to laugh.

"Oh they did. I've had to go through their wardrobes and tell them what to wear tonight and write out a skin care routine. Then I had to sit and listen to your grandma. I didn't mind that. I got tea and scones." He grinned.

"Are they going out tonight then?" She wiped the laughter tears from her eyes.

"We all are. Grandma said to tell you she wants grandpappy's song."

She groaned out loud. It must be karaoke night at the local pub.

"Do you sing then?" He walked up to her and hugged her.

"No. She just makes me sing it because I would sit on grandpappy's knee and sing it with him when I was little."

She buried her face in his neck, nipping his skin with her teeth.

She felt his hand push into her hair. Gently he pulled her head back until she was facing him. He licked his lips.

"Want to carry on from this morning?" She whispered.

"Is that why you are still just in my shirt?" He cocked his eyebrow.

Moving from him, she closed all the curtains and made sure the doors were locked. Then crooking her finger at him, calling him to her. He stood in front of her.

Her hands reached for the button and zip on his trousers, pushing them and his boxers down. Her fingers stroked his c**k, which hardened under them.

Reaching in the draw she pulled out a foil packet.

He lifted her onto the kitchen island and took the packet from her.

Watching as he slid the condom on, her mouth began to drool.

"I want all of you Jacob."

Her lips crushed his and he slid his length into her making her moan as he rode them both to their orgasms

Jacob Rotts Schmetterling (Jacob Rott) Where stories live. Discover now