Was Returning To Berlin A Good Idea?

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Jacob's pov

It was business as usual back in Berlin. Going straight to the office from the airport he met up with the boys. Shooting her a quick I'm home ring you later message he got stuck into the work.

Two hours later sitting in an oversized bean bag Luis approached him.

"How was Switzerland?" He dropped on another bean bag.

"Snowy." He grinned.

Luis pulled a face.

"It was good. No, it was great. I built a snow person and made snow angels and had a snowball fight with two guys dressed as fluffy marshmallows."


Jacob pulled up the photos as proof.

"Marco and Carlos. Alexis's friends. They're going to be taking care of her coffee house for her. She's got 2 baristas in but these two are the caretaker managers."

His phone pinged.

Lexi: Decided not to rent
out apartment
incase we fancy or
the boys fancy a
weekend away.

Me: Good idea. Wish I
was there with you.

Lexi: Well I haven't
much left to do, so
I'll be with you
much sooner.

Me: How soon is soon?

Lexi: Before the

I felt my c**k twitch.

Lexi: Sending you a
photo. Don't laugh
too much.

As it came through he began to giggle then it went into a full blown belly laugh.

Lexi: You're laughing
aren't you?

Me: What the f**k are
you wearing?

Lexi: Don't you like it?
Marco got it me.
Got you one too.

Me: You're kidding.

Lexi: It gets cold here
sleeping alone. So
he got me a onesie.

Me: Did it have to be a

His 5 friends stood looking at him confused as he laughed.


Alexis pov

At Marco's insistence she boarded a plane a few hours after Jacob. Going straight to her dad's old house. Clemmy met her there.
"So are you back for good?"
"I think so. Marco and Carlos are managing my business over there and I'm refurbishing the coffee house here as of Monday."
"What about this place?" Clemmy looked around the outdated living room.
Alexis sighed.
"I'm redecorating ASAP. All my memories are here."

Emptying the taxi of her purchases she paid and took them inside. Collecting the last bucket of white emulsion she was about to close the door when a foot stopped it from shutting.
"What..." she was pushed into the house.
"Hello freak. You won't remember me but your pretty boyfriend will." The guy sneered at her. "I owe him," He pointed to his deformed nose, "but you're easier to get to. So I'll repay him this way."

His fist smashed into her face, not once but 3 or 4 times. Then as she hit the floor, his boot made contact with her ribs.
She heard someone shout and something smash and then darkness overtook.
As her eyes opened Clemmy sat holding her hand.
"It's OK, lovey. You're in the hospital. The police want a word with you. Shall I call Jacob?"
"No. No he doesn't know I'm back yet." She rasped.
A police officer came in and took a statement and a description of the attacker then as he left a Dr came in.
"Glad to see you back with us. I'm afraid you have two broken ribs, a fractured cheek bone, bruising and a few lacerations to your face. Not bad enough for stitches you may be glad to hear." He smiled at her.
"I would like you to stay in for the night for observation. You took some nasty blows."
She nodded and he left.
"Are you sure you don't want me to call Jacob?" Clemmy smiled at her.

Jacob Rotts Schmetterling (Jacob Rott) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt