Love In Switzerland

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Jacob's pov

After booking a flight for tomorrow he headed back to the mansion.
"Where were you last night?
His friend Tim ambushed him as he entered the door.
" I stayed with Lexi. It was her dad's funeral yesterday."
"S**t. Is she ok?"
"Yeah I've just dropped her at the airport. She's gone back to Switzerland." He sighed.
"How come?" Tim asked. "I thought you.."
"She's moving back to Berlin." He smiled. "She's bought the coffee house."
He grinned widely.
"No way. Go Lexi. Are you two together now?"
"If we'd have had sex last night, yes. But I couldn't." He groaned.
"First night nerves." Tim smiled.
"No. I wouldn't have let her go. I'm flying out tomorrow. She'll be mine then."
Tim thumped him on the shoulder and hugged him.
"You're a lucky b*****d."
He nodded and went to pack a case for a few days.

Heading to her coffee house he could see her sitting at a table with two guys. One of them kept looking at him. He kept his eyes firmly on her back as she laughed and joked with them. He made an order for coffee and sat drinking it. It hadn't been made by her, he could tell.
Biting his lip he wondered how best to approach her. She didn't know he was coming. He was taking a risk. He didn't want it to go like the last time he was here.
Standing he walked forwards, one of the guys eyes on him.
Alexis pov

"Hey b****. Are you ignoring us?"
Her friend's voice called out.
A grin crossed her face and she stood and hugged them both.
Sitting, the question was thrown out before she could think.
"So have you tamed his one eyed snake?"
"Marco." She gasped.
Carlos slapped him.
"Not everyone is like you darling. Well did you?" They both leant forward.
"No. We slept together but nothing happened." She sipped her drink.

"Shy was he or was you?" Marcos hand rested on hers.
"Neither we both wanted to but he said if we had of done I wouldn't have got on the plane. He wouldn't have let me go."
"Such a gentleman." Marco swooned.
They sat talking for a while.
"Don't look now," Carlos said. "But the guy on the table behind you hasn't taken his eyes off you since he sat down five minutes ago."

She went to turn but he stopped her.
"He's looking at you as if you're the desert to his main meal. His eyes want to gobble you up. Oh god he's coming this way. Act cool."
She could feel someone behind her, then a breath on her neck.
"How about we go to your apartment and let it go." was whispered in her ear.
Her heart leapt into her throat and she shot around.
Her arms went around him, her lips finding his.
"Hey schmetterling." He murmured after breaking his lips from hers.
"Ahem" Marco coughed.
"Oh Jacob, these are my good friends Mr and Mr Marco and Carlos." She introduced her friends.
They all shook hands.
"What are you doing still standing here? Your apartment is that way."
Marco turned them round and pushed them away. They began to run and started to laugh.

Jacob Rotts Schmetterling (Jacob Rott) Where stories live. Discover now