All Work And No Play Makes Jacob A Tired Boy

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Jacob pov

The next four months were busy. Between photo shoots, tik toks, office work, the gym, TV chat show and radio appearances and making sure his wife behaved herself, plus attending her check ups, he was worn out.
She had trouble sleeping at night. So much so he would find her deep cleaning the kitchen or rearranging the living room at three am. This got so bad he threatened to handcuff her to the bed but that idea just made them both h***y. She already craved s*x as often as they could.

On days he couldn't be around, he enlisted Clemmy to supervise her making sure she got sleep and rest.
The boys would laugh at him because a few times he has fallen asleep during meetings.
"God help him when the baby is here. He's gonna be dead on his feet." Michael tittered. "That guy loves his sleep. Got an idea for next time he falls asleep in a meeting."
A few days later he laid his head on his arms on the table.
A baby crying disturbed him.
"OK daddy's coming." He groaned and pushed himself up.
The other guy's laughter woke him up.
"Very funny." He moaned and stomped out.
Tim followed him.
"Bro, take a few days off. We can cope and I'll keep you up to date." He laid a hand on his shoulder. "Get some rest."
He nodded, grabbed his coat and said bye before driving home.


Alexis pov

She woke with a heavy weight over her chest. Jacobs arm. He was lying on his stomach in a starfish position facing away from her. Sliding out from under it he muttered something about keeping the baby quiet and she giggled.
Needing to pee she shuffled to the bathroom, the baby moving slowly but strongly.
"OK sweetie it won't be too much longer and you can stretch out like daddy." She stroked her swollen tum.

Clemmy was sitting on the sofa.
"Good sleep?"
"Meh. As good as I can expect. How long has Jacob been home?" She settled next to Clemmy.
"About 3 hours. He fell asleep in the office again."
Sighing deeply she looked upwards.
He had been trying to get as much work done so he could have a few weeks with her when the baby arrived.
"You've got a good one there. He loves you."
"He doesn't have to be here, Clemmy. I could cope."
Clemmy lifted her hand and squeezed it.
"Most men his age would take you up on that. Not wanting to be around. Jacob isn't one of those men. He wants to be involved, he wants to support you. As the baby grows he knows there are going to be times he will be hundreds of miles away unable to help you. Have you spoken to him?"

A noise from behind her made her turn. He plodded bare foot down the hallway. T-shirt wrinkled, hair array.
"You look shattered. Go back to bed." She told him as he bent to kiss her.
"I'm Ok. Going to make a drink. Do you want one?"
"I'll get them. You sit and talk." Clemmy strode out.
"I hope I'm as spritely as her at that age." She laughed watching her stride away.
"Do we need to talk?" He looked at her, worriedly.
"I'm worried about you. You're working yourself to death. Jacob you don't need to be here when the baby is here. I can cope."
He stroked her face.
"Schmetterling, I want to be here. You are going to be working just as hard from birth onwards. I want to be here for you. I want to bond with my child as much as you do." He kissed her stomach. "I want to be able to hold both of you. I love you."
"I love you too." A tear pricked her eye and she snuggled against him.

Jacob Rotts Schmetterling (Jacob Rott) Where stories live. Discover now