Found You

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A year later

Alexis pov

It had been a hard slog but she had done it. Moving from Berlin was a must. She needed to find a place that she thought he would never go. But that was difficult. He seemed to be everywhere. She followed his career watching him rise in the fashion scene. He was everywhere. Seeing him with female models hurt her but it was her choice to leave him and he was a guy with needs.

She had her chances but never took them. Her mind was set on building her business and finding a base. The base bit was the hardest. Eventually she settled in Switzerland, and a cute little coffee house in the back streets away from the slopes. People soon found her and she became extremely busy.

One day a guy came in and sat at a window seat. Taking him his order he smiled at her.

"You are very familiar. Did you live in Frankfurt?"

She nodded.

"Many years ago. I left there in 2016."

He smiled and looked down. She went back to work, not seeing him taking pictures.

Closing up she pulled on her snowsuit and boots and headed out into the night air.

The snow glistened like diamonds under the lights and the taverns were full of merriment. Ski season was in full swing.

Once in her apartment she showered and pulled on her fleecy p-js before settling to read a book.

Her phone buzzed. It was her dad checking in on her.

"Mrs Schwartz sends her love." He told her. She was sure there was something going on between them. He mentioned her a lot lately.

"Say hi to her for me." She replied.

"Lexi, have you spoken to him yet?"

Her heart fluttered.

He messaged her often but she hadn't replied.

"It's difficult dad." She whispered.

"It isn't if you don't want it to be. It's been a long time. Talk to him." He told her.

She couldn't bring herself to speak to him. He didn't need her. His life was full and going places. He had his friends, why would he need her.

Jacob pov

Another day, more messages sent, no replies received, they remained unread. He threw his phone on the bed. This has been the norm now for a year.

Finding out she had left the jobs she did and literally left Berlin shocked him. Deana wasn't letting on where she was, none of her yoga ladies knew. He was at a loss.

He found himself faking smiles at his photo shoots. At one the photographer stood there hands on hips annoyed.

"That's not a real smile." He huffed.

"Sorry I've nothing to smile about lately." He swung his arms backwards and forwards.

"What's your favourite word?" The photographer's aide asked.

She smiled at him.

"Love," He replied.

"How do you say that in German?"

"Liebe. But I prefer the English word. Love." A small smile crept out.

"What do you think of when you hear that word?"

Alexis's face floated in front of his eyes, her body in that silver dress, her lips responding to his.

"Great smile but we don't need that." The photographer snickered, pointing to his groin. "Is she special?" The aide asked.

He nodded and blushed a little.

Back in his hotel room he found a message from Michael.

Michael: Hey

Jacob: What are you doing messaging me while on your holidays?

He laughed to himself.

Michael: Found something here that might interest you.

A picture came through and his throat went dry, his heart starting to race.

Jacob: Where..?

Michael: Gstaad-Saanen. It is her, isn't it?

Jacob: Yes.

He looked at the photo again.

Michael: Do you want me to say anything?

Jacob: No. Is she Ok?

About six other photos came through. Most showed her laughing while talking to others but one showed her daydreaming, her eyes sad.

After thanking Michael he saved the photos to the cloud after putting one as his screensaver. Looking at his schedule he saw that he had two weeks coming up to take rest.

"I think I need to go skiing." He spoke into the air. Then going on line found a hotel with the dates available and booked them.

Jacob Rotts Schmetterling (Jacob Rott) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora