Coffee House

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4 months later

Walking through the coffee house door Jacob stood looking around. She wasn't there.
A movement from his right made him turn.
"Hey Jacob, it's Deana, Alexis's friend."
He nodded.
"She's not here. Not because she didn't want to come, she's not here because she can't come."
He looked at her.
"Sorry I don't understand."
"It was her dad's funeral today. She just wants to be alone."
Lifting her hand she handed him a letter.
"She asked me to come and give you this."
"Thank you." He took the letter and she smiled, giving him a small nod and left.

Finding a table once he had got a coffee he opened the letter and read it.
'If you're reading this Deana found you. I'm sorry I couldn't make it but I know you won't hold it against me.
I'm returning to Switzerland tomorrow. I have some things that I've got to finalise before I return. I guess you are sitting in my coffee house reading this. Yes, that's right. I bought it. It belongs to me. I'm coming back to Berlin.
I should be back within the month. That's when all the changes there begin. If you are around then I would love to see you. I still love you. There's never been anyone else. Not even a kiss. But if it's too long for you to wait or if you have moved on by then I understand.
Love always

At her dad's Alexis sat wrapped in Clemmys arms.
"Thanks for making his last few months happy." She told the elderly woman.
"He was a lovely man, your dad. How's your young man?"
"Ok I think. I should've met him tonight but I sent him a letter explaining why I couldn't."
"I think you're right coming home. Your dad would've been so pleased."
"This is my home Clemmy." She sighed. "To be honest my home is wherever Jacob is."
"Glad to hear it." His voice made her jump. "Sorry the door was open. I did knock."
Clemmy left and he took her place next to her.
"Why didn't you tell me about your dad? I would have been here for you." He wrapped his arms around her. "Do you want me to stay tonight?"
"OK." She whispered into his chest before lifting her face to his. "I'd love that."
He smiled and kissed her.

In her bedroom he stood nervously. She had left to go to the bathroom.
"I've put a new toothbrush out for you." She told him when she came in. When he left she changed quickly into a vest and shorts and climbed into bed.
On returning he took off his hoodie and joggers, leaving him in his boxers.
"Alexis, are you OK with this?"
"Yes." She replied, throwing back the duvet. "Get in."
He climbed beside her and she automatically curled into him. His arms wrapped around her protectively.
"Can I kiss you?" She whispered.
His heart beat increased to her question.
Leaning over her his lips gently brushed hers. Her fingers slid into his hair holding him closer to deepen the kiss.
"Alexis, if you keep doing that I'm going to go crazy. I'm fighting to keep control as it is." He panted.
She looked into his eyes.
"Then let go."

Jacob Rotts Schmetterling (Jacob Rott) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt