Heartache V Love (Pt 1)

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(lyrics in Jacobs tik tok from I'll be waiting by Cain Ducrot)

Jacobs pov

What she said hit him like a ton of bricks. She was right. But she was wrong.
Yes he was constantly on the move. Different fashion shows, different countries, different designers.
But no, all that was going through his mind was he hoped she was Ok and wishing she would speak to him, his heart slowly breaking thinking she didn't want him.
He was sitting on the edge of his hotel bed wishing he had someone with him to talk to.

He picked up his phone to ring one of his friends.
Jojo: Hey, did you see
Him: Yeah. It was
Jojo: Difficult. How?

He explained what had gone on.

Jojo: F**k man, so sorry.
Him: What should I do?

There was silence.

Jojo: Do you love her?
Him: I don't know. I'm
not sure. I know I
feel broken.
Jojo: How's your heart
Him: What heart? She
tore it out.
Jojo: You love her. You
need to tell her.
Him: Ok Einstein how.
She doesn't answer
my calls or read
my messages.
Jojo: Flowers, a gift.
Think bro.

He'd found a quiet spot away from everyone and everywhere and recorded clips for a tik tok.
He needed help editing it so he left that in Jojo's hands, sending him all he had recorded and telling him he trusted him to get his point across.
He sent her roses to her shop. But watched as she gave them away singly to young couples. He hoped and prayed Jojo's tik tok got his point across.

Alexis's pov

She sobbed for ages after he left the shop. Her body and mind were shattered. She rang the one person she knew could get her through.
Marco: Hey bitch.
Her: M... Ma.. Marco.

She sobbed.

Marco: What's wrong
Her: Jacob... He... Here.
Marco: (shouting off
Carlos emergency
overnight bag.
Lexi wexy needs
us. Be right there
baby girl.
Shop or home.
Her: Shop.

Ten minutes later her friends arrived looking like two oversized marshmallows. They gathered her up and shuffled her off to her apartment.
Now dressed in her best fleece p-js she told her friends what had occured between her and Jacob.
Marco tutted. Carlos rolled his eyes.
"Girl you've grown claws. You need a tiger on your back, not a butterfly."
He took her hand.
"You love him?"
"I don't know. How can you love someone you've only kissed thrice."
"I fell in love with Marco just by looking at him." Carlos growled.
"We've got you hunnie. We are here all weekend."
Flowers arrived from him. She gave them away.

"Oh look a new tik tok from that handsome man of yours." Carlos said Sunday evening.
She took his phone and watched. It was the back of someone digging out a heart in the snow and filling it with red rose heads. Then he sat and looked sadly at the screen, making a broken heart with his hands. Then a picture of her old coffee house flashed quickly on the screen with a date and time on it. She played it again, the words to the song that accompanied it brought tears to her eyes.
'If you ever want to fall in love, if you ever want to bet on us, if you ever want to be my one, I'll be waiting. If you ever want one more night, if you ever want to make things right, if you ever want to change your mind, I'll be waiting. I'll be waiting.'
"He loves you girl." Marco hugged her.

Jacob Rotts Schmetterling (Jacob Rott) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt