Over Before It Starts

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Jacob pov

The past week felt like a year.

He returned from the reunion to a barrage of questions.

Luckily Deana had sent him the photos she had taken, including the one of her in the boiler suit and wig.

"She hadn't changed much then." Jojo commented while looking at it.

Jacob sighed and relayed everything that happened.

"She stripped!!!" Bene gasped.

"She did. But what she uncovered was amazing."

He showed the picture of her tattooed back, the silver cloth she wore, you couldn't call it a dress there wasn't enough fabric, then the picture of her without the wig and glasses.

The boys were silent.

"My crush was Lexi all along."

"So?" Tims eyebrows raised.

"We danced and we kissed. It was pretty sensational." He smiled.

"What happens now?" Luis elbowed him.

"She's in Ireland for a week visiting family. I'll go see her when she's back."

Even though they were busy for the week it still dragged out. He had gotten her number off Deana and he'd been messaging her.

It was the following Saturday and she was due home today. All he wanted to do was hold her. Kiss her. But he knew they needed to talk before he could. She said as much in her last text.

'Meet me at the coffee house at 8pm. We need to talk.'

Every minute seemed like an hour. The boys were fed up with him asking the time all the while.

Dressed in jeans and a hoodie he walked into the shop and saw her sitting in a dark corner.

Her face seemed pensive as she looked at him.

Taking a seat he reached for her hand. She moved it away.

"I don't think us being together will work. Sorry."

She stood and went to walk away. He stopped her.

"That's not enough. I need to know why you think that. I know you have feelings for me, Alexis. That kiss told me."

"We are different people Jacob. Both going in different directions our needs are different." She kept her eyes down, not making contact with his.

"No... No. I'm not accepting that. Our body's tell a different story." He stood in front of her. "Look at me. Alexis please. Look at me and tell me you feel nothing for me." He begged.

She lifted her face, her eyes filled with tears.

"Goodbye Jacob and good luck." She ran from the shop, leaving him standing frozen to the spot.

What had happened in Ireland?


Alexis pov

There hadn't been much to do in Ireland. She spent much of her time thinking. In fact she thought too much.

Jacob had messaged her daily, telling her what he had been doing and the plans that had been made for him and the boys for the next 6 months plus. It was a hectic schedule. One she couldn't see herself being fitted in. Not that she would demand him to make time for her. His career came first. She made a list of pros and cons for a relationship with him and as many times she tried it the cons outnumbered the pros.

Making the decision to end it before it started she made her own plans.

Arranging to meet at the coffee house at 8pm she had a few hours to do what she needed.

"Are you sure this is the right thing you're doing hunnie?" Her dad asked as she put the phone down.

"To save broken hearts, and hurt. Yeah dad."

"I'm going to miss you." He hugged her.

At the coffee house she handed in her resignation. She had made calls to her yoga ladies and dog owners letting them know that she was moving on. Now it was just face Jacob.

While she waited she went over her decisions making sure they were the right ones. Then he arrived.

His hand reached for hers and she moved it away. The hurt on his face ripped at her but she couldn't let him touch her. Her resolve would melt if she did.

"I don't think us being together will work. Sorry." She blurted out. Then she stood and went to walk away. He stopped her.

"That's not enough. I need to know why you think that. I know you have feelings for me, Alexis. That kiss told me." He cried.

"We are different people Jacob. Both going in different directions our needs are different." She kept her eyes down, not making contact with his.

"No... No. I'm not accepting that. Our body's tell a different story." He stood in front of her. "Look at me. Alexis please. Look at me and tell me you feel nothing for me."

She lifted her face, her eyes filled with tears.

"Goodbye Jacob and good luck." She ran from the shop, leaving him standing there.

Jacob Rotts Schmetterling (Jacob Rott) Where stories live. Discover now