How Could He!!

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Her sleeping son tucked in his basket, she set about her housework. Having put the music on a low setting she hummed along, while the duster cleared the surfaces.
Jacob was due home tonight. He had been away on a photo shoot for the past 2 days and it was strange him not being there. He had had three weeks at home with them and it was amazing.
Her phone pinged. Once. Twice. Three times.

The first was a message from an unknown number.
First message.
'Thought you should know this.'
Second message was a photograph. Jacob asleep with his arms around a blonde haired girl.
Third was a voice recording.
Girl: Are you sure it's OK?
Jacob: Yes I've missed you.
Girl: What about... Her?
Jacob: Who? (laugh)
Her blood ran cold. Tears burning her eyes.
Running upstairs she packed her bag, one for Lucca and his nappy bag.
Picking her son up she left and climbed into the awaiting taxi.


He couldn't wait to get home. Back to his family. It had only been two days but he missed her. Lying next to her, holding her, kissing her. He missed holding his son. They decided on the name Lucca. He even missed changing his poop filled nappies.
Trying her phone again he still got no answer. She must be busy, or asleep.

Going inside he left his bag and called out for her. She wasn't home. Dialling her number he heard the ring tone coming from the kitchen. Her phone lay on the table. This confused him, she never left her phone... anywhere.
He rang Clemmy who told him she hadn't seen them.
After an hour and still no sign of them he opened her phone. They knew each other's pass codes. That's when he saw the messages.
His heart stopped. Who the f**k had done this?

He lost it.
Upturning the kitchen table he screamed.
He cleared the sides. Things smashing to the ground.
He dropped on the floor.
His phone rang. Wiping his eyes he answered.
"How could you?" Her voice was broken. "Your son is only three weeks old and you couldn't wait to get laid." "Alexis. Please, it never happened. Please, wherever you are, come home, we need to talk." He cried.
"I need time, Jacob. I don't know what to believe."
"ME. I'M YOUR F***ING HUSBAND." He shouted. "I'm sorry I shouldn't shout but it didn't happen. On Luccas life."
"Don't you use his name. Don't you dare."
"Alexis.... Alexis." She hung up.
Running upstairs he opened their safe. Her passport was still there. So she was still in Germany. Although he knew she couldn't leave, they hadn't got Lucca a passport and he is not old enough to fly.

Jacob Rotts Schmetterling (Jacob Rott) Where stories live. Discover now