Flashback Pt1

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Seven years ago one of Frankfurts small vilages (Alexis pov)

"Get up Alexis, you're going to be late." Her mother's voice rang up the stairs.

Thirteen year old Alexis Mayer stretched in her bed. She didn't want to go to school. She wanted to go back to Ireland to her grandmother's house.

Her door opened.

"Get up and get dressed. This is your last warning." Her mother walked away. Her Irish temper is starting to surface.

After showering and dressing she pulled her wayward hair up on top of her head and glared at the glasses. She could see perfectly without them, but her left eye had to have a special prescription to pull it to look forward instead of towards her nose. She hated them with a vengeance. Well not as much as her two front teeth that looked like rabbit's teeth.

"You'll grow into them." Her dentist smiled.

Yeah when hell freezes over.

Downstairs she found her friend sitting uncomfortably waiting for her.

"Hi." She jumped up, unable to hide her need to escape her mother's stare. "You ready?"

They left heading towards the school.

"Look, it's beauty and the beast." the group of boys laughed as they passed.

"Ignore them." Deana frowned at them. "Go throw your insults at someone who cares." She hollered back.

Alexis wiped her tears away. She did care. She hated herself.

Then she saw him. Her heart raced a little bit. Keeping her head down she shuffled past him. Not wanting him to look at her and laugh. Not that he ever did. He always smiled and said hello. Or pulled a funny face to make her laugh.

She didn't know his name, just that he was a year below her.

(Jacobs pov)

It really got to him the way the guys treated her. He'd tried and tried to get them to back off and leave her alone but they just laughed at him.

He knows how she feels. He's not a looker himself and a little chubby with a thug looking crew cut, but the way they treat her is appalling.

He always tries to look beneath the outer and find out what makes them tick.

Alexis had a beautiful soul. She cared deeply for the people and the things she loved. Not only that she put herself out to help others. Because of that some took advantage of her generosity.

Yes she had frizzy hair and heavy glasses. She was a little plump and hardly smiled because of her teeth but beneath all that there was a heart of gold.

He saw her walking towards him. Some guys shouted something at her and his blood boiled. Her friend shouted back but he could see whatever they shouted upset her as she wiped away her tears. Keeping her head down she rushed past him. He headed to the boys and gave them a piece of his mind. They just laughed but a quick punch to the nose of the leader of the group stopped that. Got him hauled in front of the headmaster but it was worth it.


Present day

Walking around the shops trying to find something suitable to wear for this 'reunion', Alexis glared ahead.

"Can't I go anywhere without bumping into someone I don't want to?" She muttered to herself.

Putting on a fake smile she spoke to the ladies walking towards her.

"Lexi. Treating yourself to something nice?" One asked.

"Are you off partying?" Another added.

"Hello ladies. I've got a school reunion coming up so nothing too exciting."

"How nice. Have you kept in touch with anyone?"

Shaking her head she replied.

"Only one. She's the one who told me about it. Having two minds on whether to go though."

"Oh you must hunnie. Never forget the good days."

'What good days.' She thought to herself.

"Oh this would look so good on you." One lady held up a dress. "Would knock them for six."

"Thanks, I'll try it on."

"It's a must and we want to see photos. Especially one of you with a nice young man. Bye."

They bustled off leaving her holding the dress. Sighing, she knew that they were just helping her. Turning she headed to the changing rooms to try it on.

Jacob Rotts Schmetterling (Jacob Rott) Where stories live. Discover now