Heartache V Love (Pt 2)

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Jacob's pov

Jojo's editing was brilliant. Hundreds of people had messaged saying they would be his one. He was hoping that not all got the date, time and picture. There was only one person he wanted to understand.
It was two days away and as yet no one has known if she is back in Berlin.
"You holding up?" Jojo asked as he walked in with Bene and Tim.
"Holding up?" Tim asked confused.
"The tik tok?" Bene looked at them. "Jojo put a date and time in it."
Jacob poured himself a drink.
"The coffee house. Are you going to meet her?" Tim took the drink off him.
"I'm going to be there. Hoping she turns up." He tried to get the drink back.
"This won't help." It got poured down the sink.

Luis and Julien ran in.
"I'm sure I've just seen Lexi. Can't say for certain. She passed us in a taxi."
His heart began to race. He needed to know for sure.
"It was or it wasn't Luis." he ground out.
"I haven't seen her in over a year, I couldn't say." Luis shouted, turned and walked out.
"Sorry I'm just… scared." He dropped on the sofa. "What if she doesn't come or what if she comes and tells me to go f**k myself. It's driving me insane."
"Stop stressing." Julien sat by him. "She loves you bro. I can feel it."

Alexis's pov

"S**t." She turned her head fast, hoping Luis didn't recognise her.
She wanted to sneak in unseen.
Her dad pulled her into his arms, Mrs Schwartz, who had told her to call her Clemmy, hugged her too.
"How long are you back for?" Dad asked.
"I'm not sure. It's all according to how it goes." She sighed.
"He loves you hunnie." Clemmy chuckled. "That tik tok showed it all. Plus I saw him yesterday. Looks like a lost puppy. You do too."

Standing in front of her mirror, the door opened.
"Hey hunnie, Ok to come in?"  Clemmy asked.
She nodded and moved to the bed to put her trainers on.
"Nervous?" Clemmy asked.
"A little. To be honest I don't think I should've come. Yes I love him, he says he loves me but we are still in the same situation." She sat on the bed. "Jacob and the boys are still finding their niche. He's still going to be off and there'll be no time for us."
"Love finds time." Clemmy moved some hair from her face. "Can an old woman give some advice?"
She looked at her.
"Love comes to test us all, to see how we handle things. Jacob seems like a guy who doesn't give his heart freely. When he gives it, he gives it fully, no holds barred. Talk to him, tell him your feelings for him, for your concerns. If he truly loves you he will go with your wishes."

Her dad drove her to the back entrance to the coffee house, hugging her and kissing her forehead as she climbed out. She stood staring at the door. Not far behind it the guy she loved was waiting. Would he listen to her? Would he wait till he is committed to his career before beginning something with her?
Taking a big deep breath she opened the door and stepped inside. Jacob was sitting at a table. The blinds were shut, the lights dim. He stood as she approached.

Jacob Rotts Schmetterling (Jacob Rott) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum