𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 25

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As Evie makes her way towards Professor Fig, her heart weighed heavy with sorrow, each step echoing the somber rhythm of her thoughts. The weight of the news she carries bears down on her, threatening to crush her spirit beneath its burden. A veil of sadness drapes over her features, casting a shadow across her usually bright eyes. Despite the heaviness that envelops her, there is a flicker of determination in her gaze, a silent resolve to fulfill her duty even in the face of adversity. As Evie approaches Professor Fig's side with Matt, her steps heavy with sadness, the atmosphere in the Map Chamber is tense. Professor Fig, with a furrowed brow, glances up expectantly as they arrive.

"Well?" He demands, his voice tinged with urgency, searching their faces for any sign of Ethereal's presence.

"She isn't coming." Evie's heart sinks as she replies, her voice barely a whisper.

There was a collective gasp from the Keepers gathered around, their faces etched with concern and disbelief.

"Not coming?" Professor Fig repeats, his voice laced with concern. "But she's needed here, now more than ever."

"I know, Professor," Evie replies, her voice tinged with regret. "But she's scared... scared of what's to come."

"I guess we all are..." Matt mutters in disbelief. Professor Fig's expression softened, understanding the weight of Ethereal's fear.

"She must be here to protect the repository" Professor Rackham cut off. "If she's not here, than I'm afraid Ranrock will be able to get what he wants, we cannot let that happen."

"I see..." Professor Fig says solemnly, his voice heavy with sorrow. "But we need her, Evie. The Repository... she's our only hope."

"Well, aren't I lucky to be the hero of the day?" Before Evie can respond, Ethereal's voice cuts through the tension, her tone laced with sarcasm. Evie can't help but beam at Ethereal's arrival, relief flooding through her at the sight of her friend.

"You're here! You didn't leave!" Professor Fig's expression softens, a sense of relief washing over him as well. "Ethereal, we need you. Now more than ever."

"I know..." She replies, her tone more serious now. "I'm here to protect the Repository... and to fight alongside you."

"Good... you have completed all of our trials. And you have done so under circumstances even I did not foresee." Professor Rackham speaks up. "You understand now why all of this was necessary- the Portkey, the vault, the locket, the book, the trials. To ensure that one with the ability you and I share would make the same choice that San, Niamh, Charles and I did."

"Now that you have witnessed my memory, you understand all that is at stake." San Bakar pursues. "Not everyone is what they seem."

"As you know, light does not exist without shadow nor shadow without light. Simply because you can eliminate darkness does not always mean that you should." Niamh Fitzgerald adds before being continued by Charles Rookwood.

"Even the most well-meaning and competent amongst us cannot possibly know the consequences of manipulating what should be beyond our reach."

"What lies in the repository must never be released." Percival Rackham insists. "Resist the temptation to destroy or control it. The magic that you have so carefully honed must now be used only to protect the secret we keep. You have the wand. You will know when to wield it. We leave our legacy in your hands."

As the Keepers conclude their speech, the round map beneath their feet shimmers and transforms into a pool of water. Ethereal watches in awe as the liquid cascades down, revealing a hidden door beneath. The Keepers' urgency is palpable, their words echoing in her mind.

𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐋𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐬 ~ 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐈Where stories live. Discover now