𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 15

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"Draw them away from the hamlet!"

"Make sure they don't cause more damage!"

Rain pours down, casting a melancholic veil over Feldcroft as goblins invade the serene grounds. Evie, Ethereal, and Sebastian stand side by side, their determination cutting through the downpour.

"We can't let them reach Anne!" Anne, her face pale and determined, clings to her wand with a fierce grip, her weakened state no match for her determination to defend her home. Sebastian steps forward, his eyes ablaze with determination. His wand slashes through the rain as he casts spells with precision and power.

"Evie! Calm your brother down! He's going ballistic!" Ethereal yells as she ducks down before being hit by a crate, levitated by the Slytherin boy.

"They're closing in!" Anne, visibly frail and feverish, falls down on the ground and screams in pain, struggling to breathe.

"Anne! Behind you!" Evie yells from afar as she spots a goblin approaching her, she screams in fear, the goblin now a few feet away from her, preparing his sword. Sebastian's eyes blaze with fierce protection as he steps forward, his wand slashing through the rain.

"Imperio!" The goblin freezes mid-motion, its malevolent intent halted by Sebastian's command.

"Sebastian, what are you doing?!" Evie shouts in shock, frightened by his actions. Evie and Ethereal watch in a mix of distress and horror as Sebastian orders the goblin to take its own life. The goblin's face contorts in anguish as it grabs its own dagger, its movements robotic and devoid of its own will. It thrusts the blade into itself, its life extinguished in a chilling act of self-inflicted violence.

"Boy, what have you done?!" Their Uncle Solomon yells as he stomps towards him, before helping Anne stand up.

"I-I saved my sister!"

"With an Unforgivable Curse- from that damned book no doubt!" The man shouts in anger, pulling Anne away from her twin. "Your father would be ashamed. You've gone too far, Sebastian..."


"Stay away from her. From us."


"Where exactly are you taking me?"

"Don't worry Amit, we're almost there!" Evie grins as they climbed the hill. The sun was beginning to set over the towering figures of the mountains. Just before them was a gaping entrance to an old mine was nestled against the hillside.

"Ah! There he is." Ethereal smiles as she makes out Lodgok's figure from afar. "Wait here."

Ethereal walks to him, leaving her friends behind. Hoping the goblin can fill her out on some information.

"Morning Lodgok. I brought a friend of mine..." Ethereal speaks up. "He speaks Gobbledegook. Before he introduces himself, perhaps you could tell me why we're here."

"Of course. Unfortunately, presenting Ranrok with the Helmet of Urtkot did not have the effect I'd hoped." Lodgok explains. "Because he knew the details surrounding its plunder, he presumes I'd had help from a witch or wizard in retrieving it."

"How else did he expect goblinkind to get the helmet back? Seems he has no interest in making amends with you."

"I'm afraid we do not have the luxury of rational expectation when it comes to Ranrok." He growls in annoyance. "Damn Bragbor and his blasted journals."

"Bragbor?" Ethereal questions in confusion.

"An ancestor of Ranrok's. Renowned metal-worker. If we are to work together. I suppose I must tell you more." He starts and takes a deep breath. "Not long ago, Ranrok sent me to collect a recently unearthed set of Bragbor's journals. They described 'repositories' that Bragbor had been commissioned to build for a group of witches and wizards."

𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐋𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐬 ~ 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐈Where stories live. Discover now