( S2.1 ) Sweet as Candy

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Kiana and Shiro just finished their dinner, and was to turn in the night.

"Shiro... I'll be using the shower."

"Go ahead."

As the girl went inside the the bathroom. Shiro sat at the side of the bed... Thinking of the day of tomorrow.

A sigh came out from his lips... And took off his jacket and white polo shirt, leaving only his undershirt for his top

The muscles he gained those 3 months were the result of what he is today. He pushed himself passed the limit only to control the cursed power that he inherited.

To the point that his mental health hasn't got any rest...

"Damn, how long has it been since I've gotten any decent sleep."

Now that he has found the Kaslana girl. All the malice stuck in his thoughts melted away...

For now, those worries and being vigilant ever since he arrived at Arc City were all gone.

"I guess... A nap won't hurt."

The weight of his eyelids increased, shutting itself closed, as drowsiness surrounded him, which quickly made him asleep.





Three times his name was called, as the young adult opened his eyes.

He was greeted with the sight of Kiana, only wearing his unbuttoned polo shirt.

Which doesn't help as he could see clearly her pink nipples peeking out near the buttons.

"Kiana?" He wondered if he was dreaming, the Kiana he knew back then would immediately slapped him right off the face the instant he laid eyes on her naked body.

To which today, she seems calm and okay with it... "Don't you have... Like any other clothes?"

He asked which he then finally realized that his head was supported something soft, and that's her lap.

With her who just got out of the bath, the fragrance of the soap and shampoo she used entered his nostrils.

"No... I don't."

Accidentally he turned and caught a glimpse of her ' inner entrance', then immediately returned to the original position facing the ceiling.

"Why is she not wearing anything there?"

He meant is Kiana's underwear, making his blood boil specifically in his crotch...

"Hey Kiana."

He wanted to change the subject and break the awkwardness between them.

"About earlier... Why did you ask me that?"

Kiana knew that he was about the punishment that she suggested. Which Shiro rebuked and corrected her.

"It's because..." She looks down staring at the man's face. "I don't deserve such kindness from you... I was so mean to you back at the academy. But even though i became lost... You found and stayed here with me."

"You might be a pain in the ass Kiana, but you're still my friend... And also..."

He stopped and mumbled to himself.

Himeko's last wish.

To protect the girl and guide her. And make herself understand that the world is not perfect.

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