(S2) Sea of Quanta (Pt.2)

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Bronya, and the others then continued going further deeper towards the Quanta.

"Theresa." The captain's voice echoed through their comms as the group paused. "As you go deeper towards the ruins, it's only a matter of time until we lost trace of you girls. So be on your guard."

"Copy that captain." The nun replied as their signal was disconnected, but luckily they acknowledged his message.

"Speak of the devil." Ein said as the captain's message relayed.

"The secrets of the era." Bronya stared from a distance, and caught something from her eyes.

A shadow in fact, most likely looking at her.

"Bronya, something the matter?" Theresa asked noticing her student's eyes squinted.

"The Bronya saw a shadow figure over there."

Pointing forward, Ein and Theresa saw nothing. But to the girl's POV, the shadow was still there looking at her.

"I don't see anything there." Ein informed

"Me either." The former principal secondly agreed.

"That's weird." Bronya said as she could have swore that she is not hallucinating.

As the shadow then ran forward going beyond. Bronya followed as the rest were surprised to see her break formation.

"Bronya!" "Theresa yelled as she and Einstein followed in pursuit of the valkyrie.

Which then stopped as the shadow entered the portal causing Bronya to pause, hesitating to go inside.

"Bronya. Wait!"

Theresa and Einstein arrived to see the portal there on stand by as it gave them shivers

"So here it is." Theresa gasped as before them was the entrance to the Quanta.

"Good work, we finally found it."

Dr. Einstein then noticed that Theresa is in a bad shape. "This is as far we could go, we must go back to the hyperion and make preparations."

"Theresa we can't let ourselves push as much further. The influence of the quanta is affecting your health as well."

"How did you-"

"There was an attempt to enter the sea back then. Many of our companions experienced headaches, nausea, and collapse, most of it because the subject ain't compatible for the negative environment of the sea."

Dr. Einstein turned to Bronya who seems to be wondering why that shadow manifested to her only. "And Bronya seems okay. Most likely because of her natural aura."

"I see..." Theresa understood as the doctor was indeed right. "For safety, i will be the one to enter the portal and retrieve the gem of desire."

"Are you sure professor? The Bronya can accompany the professor."

"That's a negative. Like i said each of us are varied depending on the compatibility." Einstein rejected. "I know your eager to help, but there is a chance in that will come soon."

"For now, we head back to Hyperion and report to the captain of our findings."


Back in Nagazora, as Shiro was being lead by the manager to the VIP lounge.

A hand suddenly grabbed towards as he stopped, the woman scoffed and noticed who that person was that stopped the two.

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