The Fans

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We sat for a good ten minutes or so, while the staff did what they needed to do to sort things out. My nerves slowly calmed a bit, though I found it difficult to look at the fans. Beneath the table I felt Mark's hand on my knee, rubbing it reassuringly, I knew he was just trying to calm me. It helped, a lot, I focused on his touch a moment as I gathered my thoughts and forced myself to breathe. He leans over an whispers in my ear. "I love you, it'll be alright."

His words soothe me and I smile and give a nod before looking up at the fans. I told myself it's not much different than a live stream, just instead of a chat, I see all of their bright and shining faces. Then it hit me, I get to see the faces behind names, I get to meet the people who offered so much support not only to me but Mark as well. I smile more and let out a long breathe as I began to calm just a little more.

A moment later a sigh of frustration escapes me and I frantically dig around in my bag before I pull out a long chopstick. Mark took notice and raised a brow, before watching me shove it between my arm and cast to scratch an itch. I get a chuckle not only from him but from the fans who were close enough to see us. "Ooooh, god you have no idea how good that feels." I sigh and Mark reaches over to take over moving the chopstick. "Oh...oh... right there." I hadn't realized I had said that loud enough and I heard giggles that made me blush.

Clearing my throat I pull the chopstick out of the cast and put it away. "Forgot, I must behave." I grin a bit. Standing up I move to get a look at the line a bit better and I raise a brow. "Hey, do you usually have this man guys among your fans?" I say to Mark.

He stands and moves beside me to look. "Nope. Looks like they are yours." He points a few out that have my shirts.

Playfully I gently swat at his hand. "It's not polite to point." I tease.

Moving to one of the staff I ask if it's okay if I wander along the line for a few moments while everything was being sorted out. It seemed something had gone wrong somewhere and there was a delay it getting things started. I get the go ahead but have to have a security guard with me, which was cool because it was actually an acquaintance of mine. With a plan in my head I grab a pack of multi-color sharpies from my bag. I had purpose gotten a plain white cast just so I could get fans to sign it for me.

Mark sees this and stops me a moment before promptly grabbing a pink marker from the pack. Curiously I raise a brow as he starts to draw a prominent Warfstache on my cast, front and center. "Hey hey, leave room for others." I say and he gives me this look, it had a possessive hint to it and I knew what he meant. When he was done I give a chuckle, it felt like he was making his mark so to speak which I was fine with.

Mark stays at the table, it'd be too dangerous for him to run amok, and I half jog my way to the very very end of the line. I was sure people hadn't fully realized who i was at first, mainly the ones I ran by.

When I get to the end I casually ask. "Is this the line for Markiplier?" I get a yes from a few and then silence for five seconds before they realized who I was.

Naturally the first fan I encounter is one that bursts into tears at the sight of me, I hadn't known I had any sort of impact like that, then I wondered maybe she was crying because I took the sexy Markiplier off the market. I stared for like thirty seconds before I pulled her into a hug, she returns it and I smile.

"Come on, no tears, you're going to make me cry."I was already tearing up. I pulled away slowly and gave her a smile. "Hey, wanna be the first to sign my cast?"

"Y-Yeah..." she sniffles and looks to it.

"Well, other than Mark." I half roll my eyes and get a soft giggle.

She takes a marker and does a cute little doodle and signs her name, being sure not to take up too much room.

"Thank you, sweetie." I smile brightly and give another hug before moving on.

As I moved through the line, surprising people and getting them to draw or sign my cast, I couldn't fully ignore the jealous looks and a few whispers. I don't say anything though, because I didn't want to start shit, it wasn't in me to do so anyway.

"Anything you have to give to Mark, Wade or I, please hang onto it until you get up to us!" I announce to them, being among them calmed my nerves quite a bit. Somehow a little pep talk from a fanboy of mine cheered me up a little more, and for that I was thankful.

Of course I couldn't get to everyone before I was called back up, for them to start. My cast was half full and that was quite okay, I wanted to let the people who had to wait forever, feel more included. Once back up with Mark I give him a happy smile, letting him know I was okay now and feeling better about all of this aside from the looks and little whispers.

When things got going, there were many tears, so many gifts and so many pictures taken. I signed things so much my hand felt like it was going to fall off. Everyone started at Mark and worked their way down, it was quite convenient actually and made it a bit easier. At one point, just before our thirty minute food break there were a group of four girls, who after Mark went right to Wade, completely blowing me off. I was speechless, and so were the others around us, then I realized they were the ones I saw the looks from earlier. A few other fans started to boo them, but Mark shut them up quickly.

"Hey! Be nice guys! No need to disrespect them and their choice." He glances to me and I nod.

"I'm not worried about, I can't have all of Mark's super awesome fans." I give a wink.

The girls simply gave me a death glare, and I forced myself to bite my tongue. I just couldn't believe they were being such haters in public like this, at the very least just pretend to like me, if anything for Mark's sanity.

We get a quick break to rest and refuel before we headed back to continue on. It wasn't but five minutes in when I hear a commotion, it took a few moments but I noticed someone or a few someones were pushing their way through the line. I had no clue what was happening, before security could apprehend them, they got through and without a moment of hesitation they took a page right out of Glee. A red slushie was tossed onto me, I barely saw what was coming and turned to shield a fan I was talking with. My entire right side was covered in ice cold, slush. I gasped loudly in shocked looking from my now stained shirt I see the security guards stopping one of the four girls from earlier.

Mark's expression went from happen to enraged in a matter of seconds. I knew he was biting his tongue as he moved to me to make sure I was okay, I myself was more concerned about my fan, who turned out to be just fine. I had taken the blow of the slushie completely, and thankfully none got on my cast. Everything was halted, and two police officers actually came in to escort the girl out along with her friends. Mark ushered me away and through the door out of sight without hesitation.

"Hey, are you okay babe?" He questions as he fusses over me. I was on the verge of tears but managed to hold them back, it had startled me more than hurt my feelings.

"She...ruined my favorite shirt." I pout and look down at my shirt.

"Hang on." He heads out and grabs something before moving back to me.

"Let's get you cleaned up." He says softly, and helps me get my shirt off using it and his bottle of water he get the stickiness off me. He then helps me into another shirt, a black one. It was a little big but it was better than the wet one. Looking down I see it was a Markiplier shirt from his recent Charity live stream.

"Awwe, so sweet." I tease and still a soft kiss. "Thank you, love." I say softly.

After calming down I head back out, getting a cheer from the remaining crowd. I stuff my soiled shirt in a plastic bag in my messenger bag, it was just trash from when I bought some water from a convenience store.

Once that was out of the way, we finish up the meet and greet and it felt like everyone was even more supportive than before. It warmed my heart, and I had to fight back tears.

These fans...were most certainly family.

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