Chapter 73 - Alvarez Pt. 9

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Gray slammed a powerful purple sword down where Kai had been. The Dragon Slayer slid through the rubble around Gray, dodging another manic attack. There was little preciseness to the moves at all. Gray was just looking to kill anything on his way to E.N.D.

To Natsu.

Kai ducked under another swing, though this one seared some of the tips of his hair. He stepped into another attack, managing to grab a hold of Gray's arm before he could attack again.

"Gray cut this out," Kai said. "Do you even realize what you're doing, who you're fighting? This is exactly what Invel wants! For us to destroy each other!"

"I can destroy E.N.D.!" Gray shouted. "Get out of my way!"

Kai stiffened but Gray overwhelmed him with his power, knocking him back. Kai rolled over some rubble.

"Ice Demon Zero Destruction Fist!"

Kai glanced up and got a huge fist right in his chest, blasting him through several already-toppled buildings.

Kai came to a rolling stop, coughing up a fair bit of blood from the internal wound. He pushed to his knees, trying to regain his vision.

"I'm not going to fight you, Gray," Kai muttered.

Gray sprinted across the way at Kai, his purple aura streaking behind him while more of the dark magic crept over his body.

"I can't," Kai said. "I'm not here to fight fairies, I'm here to fight Spriggans."

Gray leaped into the air, holding aloft several ice spears over his head that all launched down at Kai. The Dragon Slayer summoned his sword and batted away most of them save for one, which cleaved through the air next to Kai.

He jumped back as Gray landed and spewed magic everywhere. Kai returned his sword and stayed on the balls of his feet.

How could he calm Gray down? Could he just wear Gray down?

"I can't hurt you," Kai said. "It's not right!"

"Then just get out of my way!"

"So you can kill Natsu?"


Kai dodged another attack, tempted to strike Gray and maybe knock him out, but resisted. Gray's power soared again. How was he only getting stronger as the fight went on?

Gray swung around and slammed Kai with another Ice Demon Fist. Kai dropped to the ground.

"Ice Dragon Glacier!"

Kai launched into the sky, Gray shattering the glacier beneath Kai. He used the momentum of Gray's powerful attack to flip back and land in front of Gray, who absorbed the magic Kai had just used.

His face contorted.

As Kai had suspected: neither could meaningful absorb the other's magic; at least, Kai could if Gray didn't just use his Demon Slayer abilities. As the fight stood, Kai had to use his own spells...but not to fight.

Damn it.

Kai lowered into a stance, a defensive one. Gray shook his head.

"This would be so much easier if you just let me go," Gray muttered.

"Absolutely not," Kai said.

"Even Acnologia is scared of what E.N.D. could be possible of," Gray said. Kai twitched at the use of the name. Low blow, Gray. "Zeref specifically made Natsu to kill him. That's the power we're dealing with, all in the hands of a demon."

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