Chapter 27 - Edolas Pt. 3

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They convened later in the town of Sikka to discuss how on Earth(-land) Lucy not only managed to get to Edolas but was also able to retain her magic power. She tried to flex on the group, rather successfully, that she was Fairy Tail's strongest remaining member since she was the only one left with any magic. Kai couldn't even disagree with that.

Having Celestial Spirits sure did come in handy for her, though, and was so far their only real weapon against the Royal City. Sure, Natsu had that sword but he'd used up almost, if not all, of the magic stored within. Kai had his own sword but it wasn't really powerful in any way.

Kai hung out near Wendy as Lucy and Edolas Lucy talked amongst themselves and with Natsu. Carla kept an eye on them and Happy watched the two Lucys put on a rather promiscuous show for Natsu, though it was in a much more competitive way and definitely affronted by Edolas Lucy, who was intoxicated with Natsu.

"Tired yet, kiddo?" Kai asked.

Wendy nodded with a faint smile. "It's been such an exhausting day. I can't believe we've been in an entirely different world for most of it."

"And we'll wake back up on it, too."

"I keep feeling like it's some sort of dream." Wendy glanced out the window of their hotel, toward the rest of Sikka. It, like all other Edolas civilizations, had such different structures from, at least, the Fiore architecture of Earth-land. At least the streets were well-paved. "Especially after seeing Edolas Lucy and...Edolas me."

"That must've been weird. I can't even imagine what it'll be like if we run into Edolas Natsu. Who knows what sort of nutcase he'll be."

"I don't know, everyone so far has been pretty much the opposite of their usual selves so he may be pretty smart and reserved." Wendy looked Kai up and down. "You're not curious about your Edolas version?"

"No. And it sounds like I shouldn't be." He brushed some of the hair out of his face and watched the light of Sikka continue to turn on as the night progressed. "Reaper. What a name, huh?"

"Have you ever been called that?"

"I fought and beat Erigor the Shinigami. I guess he could've been a reaper."

"Yikes. I hope we don't see him here."

Kai chuckled. "If we do we better hope he also doesn't have any magic, like us." He opened and closed his fist, so used to seeing flakes of ice fall from his palm. "The strangest part of all of this is not having our magic."

"I miss it so much." Wendy managed to smile and looked at Carla, who raised her head. "At least we have each other though, right? We can all stand together and know that our bonds make us stronger?"

"Yeah." Kai patted her head. "Exactly."

Edolas Lucy was gone the next morning before all of them woke. It shook everyone but Kai quite a bit. He understood and partly blamed himself. He'd seen all the curious looks she kept giving him. She couldn't entirely trust him.

Besides, she knew all about their plan to get into the Royal City and rough the place up in order to get everyone back. She hadn't been all that excited about it, no matter how much they would need her help. Lucy Heartfilia may have been the most powerful of the Fairy Tail wizards of Earth-land, but Lucy Ashley of Edolas may have just been flat-out their best hope against the Royal City's forces.

And Erza Knightwalker.

They set out once more with only a vague idea of which direction to go in based on what Edolas Lucy had told them as well as what Carla could remember. Natsu and Wendy led the way while Lucy clung tight to a key at her side. Kai also had his hand on his sword. The closer they got to the Royal City warranted a bit more hesitation on their part.

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