Chapter 15 - Clover Town Pt. 5

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Kai released the sword from his hand. His wrists ached. His vision came in and out. Shadows moved around the walls surrounding him. At least three Grimoire Heart wizards flanked him. Hades muttered to one of the Seven Sins of Purgatory, a woman with black hair and an orb floating nearby, as he watched the arena below.

Four of the other wizards were unconscious on the ground, chained by the magic of Hades. Three remained, none of whom were actually masters of shadow magic but were quite skilled with it as a secondary form.

His entire body begged him to stop, but this was the last match of the day. At least, he hoped it would be. Kai had no idea how long he'd been standing in the arena. He only remembered waking up, eating, and fighting.

One of the three wizards darted at him, her arms becoming sharp metal blades that rammed into the wall of ice he formed. He only just noticed her after his magic reacted. The training, and reason that he'd been at it so long and his body was beaten half to death, was about letting magic flow unrestricted. Finding the heart of it, Hades emphasized.

Kai punched through the ice, a massive block colliding the wizard's face, and she flew back against the wall. Kai's body moved to allow him to cast his next spell, moving the sword into the Frozen Sword Formation: Sheer Cold Second Layer that blasted the wizard back but they remained on their feet.

The cream of the crop stood in the arena with him. The Seven Sins of Purgatory were, by regular guild definitions, S-Class wizards. A few others were in that rank as well. Kai had been stuck with the rest, the runts since he routinely denied Hades the joy of having Kai as an official member of Grimoire Heart.

The second wizard rebounded and the third one slid onto the ground and slammed their fists onto the ground, causing yet another seismic rupture. Kai leapt into the air, having to drag his legs behind him, potentially exposing him to an aerial assault from the second wizard, who did indeed attack.

Their arms turned to blocks, like something Wally could do, and shattered Kai's magic circle. Kai didn't flinch as the wizard slammed into him. Kai grabbed onto their arms, tight, and unleashed an Ice Dragon Roar right in their face, freezing it and sending them both plummeting to the ground.

Kai flipped around and kicked the other wizard into the ongoing quake. Once more, without much thought, he exclaimed, "Ice Dragon Storm!"

What was supposed to be a blizzard instead came as a concentrated flurry around the tired seismic wizard, who could not see the flying fist that crashed into his face from Kai. They bounced off the wall and Kai's sword flew across the way and pinned them to the wall.

The block wizard got up as Kai almost dropped to a knee.

"Your fight is not done, Kai Hope." Hades had a hint of glee in his voice. "Finish them."

Kai remained unsure, even through these last few days, on whether Hades wanted Kai to kill his wizards. Kai left them maimed but alive.

The block wizard, bleeding from the arms and a welt forming on their head, raised blocky and hardening fists. Kai kept his arms at his side and the sword broke from the wall and blasted toward the block wizard, who, on instinct, deflected it, shattering the blade. They sneered. Kai rolled his eyes and sprinted for the wizard.

He punched them in the gut, hitting a rather hard surface, before ramming his knee into the same place to at least get make contact while the block wizard slammed Kai from both sides with hard fists, breaking Kai's ribs.

Kai almost dropped but, as he fell, unleashed an Ice Dragon Roar that blasted them both back. Kai's body served as momentum for the spell and they slammed into the wall, both peeling off and both unable to move.

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