Chapter 46 - Grand Magic Games Pt. 8

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"Well this is just rich," Sting said, lowering himself into a fighting stance. "Both of you came running in here?"

"And Kai is more than likely still suffering wounds from Bacchus," Rogue said, not even bothering with changing his stance.

"I'm doing a lot better now, trust me," Kai said. "You guys are going to be in for a world of hurt for what you just tried to pull on Happy."

"After we were brutally invaded like that?" the woman in blue asked. "Honestly, we were just defending ourselves."

"That's enough, Minerva." The big man in the bag with his arm in a sleeve still glowered down at them. "Fairy Tail, if it is a fight you want I won't deny it to you. In our time at the games, nobody has quite had the gall to challenge us like this. But you are beyond the borders of the Games' protection. If you die, that is nobody's fault but your own."

"Was that a threat?" Kai asked.

"It was the truth."

Natsu gestured at him. "That's their guild master."

"Doesn't seem so tough."

The Guild Master spat to the side. "Insolence. You're so far beneath me."

"I'm not beneath anybody."

"Prove it. Sting, Rogue, destroy them!"

Sting sneered and stepped forward. "With pleasure."

A blinding white aura burst from Sting and he sprinted at Natsu and Kai. Kai slid forward, dodging Sting's punch while Natsu slugged him. Kai burst forward around Rogue and landed a hard kick in the Guild Master's side.

"Master Jiemma!"

The woman in the blue appeared behind Kai, but with a flick of his wrist had her hands frozen together and he kicked her away. Kai landed, but not before black lightning arced by him. He easily dodged and Sting went flying across the room.

Natsu roared, blasting several other guild members away. Rogue spun toward Kai, brandishing a sword of his own. Kai summoned his sword from the sheath and easily deflected two of Rogue's blows before parrying another and knocking Rogue back.

Orga, the big tough lightning guy, sprinted at Kai, who nimbly dodged each of his attacks. He moved about as fast as Bacchus and with a ton more ferocity, but left himself wide open. Kai socked him straight in the gut and blasted him back.

Sting came at Kai from behind and smashed through where Kai had been after Kai cast Ice-Make: Copy on himself.

"Maker magic?" Rufus asked, still hanging back.

Natsu leaped into the air, firing spouting from his hands, and he slammed onto the ground, shooting Orga and Rufus away. Kai sensed a daunting power behind him and created a shield to block Jiemma's fist.

The shield shattered. Kai spun around, summoning more power to deflect Jiemma's fist.

The woman in blue leaped in front of Kai, holding two ethereal orbs in front of her. Kai had hardly any time to react.

She kicked him away, using the sheer power of her magic to do so. Kai flipped end-over-end until he managed to catch himself and slide back. Both Sting and Rogue leaped at him, bearing down hard at him. Kai dodged one of Sting's blows but Rogue vanished in shadow and kicked Kai in the side.

"White Dragon Roar!"

The attack came more as a laser that speared Kai in the side and sent him twirling. Sting howled a laugh.

"Ice Dragon Blade!"

Kai sliced with his sword, breaking down a pillar to make room between him and the two other Dragon Slayers while Natsu dealt with Orga. They bumped into one another and then nimbly switched opponents, Kai tanking Orga's attack easily with a shield while Natsu summoned a wall of fire to ward off Sting and Rogue.

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