Chapter 71 - Alvarez Pt. 7

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Carla knelt in front of Ultear in her human form as protection. Kai inched his way over as well. Mard Geer's eyes fell from that pathetic lot over to the tall and proud Iggy and Wendy.

"The last chance I had to squash those two vermin I was robbed," Mard Geer said. "But I suppose some force has allowed me to fix this."

"I won't let you get away, little girl," the massive blue demon said. He looked like some sort of spiky octopus.

"You know I was hoping to get to flex my new power on my own in front of Carla," Iggy said. Carla blushed. "Guess Mard Geer will do."

"I'm not some sparring partner for you."

"Exactly. You're just a benchmark."

Mard Geer laughed. "The brazen spirit of Fairy Tail is what makes crushing them so delightful."

"It was Natsu and Gray who defeated you last time," Iggy said.

"It was only because there was Demon Slayer magic present," Mard Geer said. "Whatever pithy magic you have will not even come close to my strength."

"Let's find out. Wendy, you got this other guy?"

Wendy focused on him and ignited into Dragon Force, making the other demon wince.

"Ezel, right?" Wendy asked. "You used to big and scary, now you're just in our way."

Chills ran through Kai. Damn, Wendy, that was cold.

"Ezel, crush her friends," Mard Geer said. "Then kill the Dragon Slayer. I want to watch the hope fade from her eyes."

The blue demon nodded and launched at Wendy. Iggy swung her arm out and redirected him.

"Not so close," she said, and Ezel went flying. Wendy soared after him.

Mard Geer sneered. "That was a might bit more impressive than I would have expected. Judging by everyone's appearances I would think that some time has gone by."

"You threatened my entire family while I sat by helplessly," Iggy said, starting toward Mard Geer. "I could only fly around and get people to safety if I was lucky. I couldn't actually stop you if you decided to bear down on us with all of your strength. Well, now I want you to do just that. I want you to give me everything you've got, and I'm going to obliterate you."

"Those aren't the words of a fairy."

"They're the words of a pegasus."

Mard Geer crossed his arms. "I won't waste my time on a vengeful little girl. There are far greater creatures who need my attention. I sense another of my brethren in this country that I wish to see."

Iggy let that comment slide. Kai tensed. Another brethren? All of Tartaros was destroyed in the battle. Unless he meant another demon of the Books of Zeref. That wouldn't be too surprising if Zeref stacked the Spriggan Twelve with some of those, just to give him a tactical and masterful edge.

Iggy stopped and held both of her hands out. Lightning and thunder cracked around.

"Storm Sabers: Cumulus and Stratus!"

Two swords, like her other Storm Sabers, appeared in her hand. Mard Geer flicked his wrists down at her and sent vines flying at her that she easily cleaved apart. Iggy zipped through the air at Mard Geer, who tried to dance away from her but got a boot to the shoulder when Iggy twirled around in anticipation of his move.

Mard Geer flipped around and caught himself on his thorns. He created a massive network of thorns to protect himself from Iggy, who flew by overhead, aiming her swords down at him.

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