Chapter 59 - Tartaros Pt. 4

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Mard Geer settled back as Sting and Rogue converged first down on him while Kai hung back. The Twin Dragons of Sabertooth pummeled him with spells, but none seem to have much of an effect on him.

With a wave of his hand, Sting and Rogue went flying, leaving an opening for Kai to go flying through and swing his sword. Mard Geer summoned a massive wall of thorns. Kai sliced through it but was struck aside.

"Dragon Slayer Magic does not belong in the hands of humans," he said, his voice just as cold and dry as his telepathic one. He stalked away, moving slowly, as if on purpose. "I hate to see it."

"Tough," Sting said, wiping away some blood.

Kai stabbed his sword into the ground and approached the two. "We'll need to work together. You game?"

"Totally," Sting said. "We'll apologize for the Grand Magic Games later."

"Fine by me," Kai said. "But I want to get the last swing in. He killed my friend."

"Only if we can beat him within an inch of his life for what he did to milady," Rogue said.

Kai sneered. "Sounds like a plan. So what're we waiting for, then?"

All three roared, summoning their power. It drew a small laugh from Mard Geer, who didn't even turn to face them.

More thorns shot up around them. Kai weaved through them and landed next to Mard Geer. With a flick of his wrist, he tried to blow Kai away, but the Ice Dragon Slayer dodged the attack and landed a solid fist into Mard Geer's gut.

The Demon spun Kai's arm around and blasted him aside, then took the combined hit of both Sting and Rogue. The Twins bounced away.

"White Dragon Roar!"

Sting's laser shot right at Mard Geer, who batted it aside with ease. Kai held his hand over his head.

"Ice Dragon Scattering Strike!"

He ushered down wave after wave of scales, none of which reached Mard Geer. The man just smiled and waved it off.

Rogue appeared behind him, kicking him forward but Mard Geer managed to catch himself in mid-air and launched a series of more thorns at Rogue, who was hit by some and screamed in pain.

Kai landed on some rubble nearby. "This guy's no joke, huh?"

"Guess it's time to get serious," Rogue said.

"Don't give him any mercy, boys," Sting said. "He's not giving any back."

"I'll admit that you humans can have your moments of fun for us," Mard Geer said. "I enjoy watching you grovel and throw your magic at me as if it'll make a difference."

Kai lowered his hands, quieting his mind and settling his body down. The thought of Meredy's body leaning loose and limp against Ultear sent rage through him, but he managed to channel that anger out through his magic, unleashing a glacier right underneath Mard Geer that the Demon wasn't even fazed by.

"Sneaky," Mard Geer muttered.

Sting and Rogue launched at him, their combined attack once more doing nothing to him. Mard Geer merely pushed them back. Kai stood up straight, falling into a proper stance. Mard Geer glowered at him in his peripheral.

"You think to stand alone?"

"Try me."

The Demon raised a hand toward Kai. Kai sighed, holding his hand out, getting a sense for his sword.

A bulbous thorn shot at Kai, who moved away from it, but it pursued him. Kai kicked off of it as it still pursued him.

"Frozen Sword Formation!"

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