Aluke Zane Hellsing's bio

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Name: Aluke Zane Tepes

Real name: Aluke Zane Hellsings

Species: Real Fucking Vampire!

his looked:

Alias: CrimsonFuckrJr, Vampire bitch, Girlycard, Some Ozzy Osbourne-looking motherfucker Jr and Luke (by his friends)

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Alias: CrimsonFuckrJr, Vampire bitch, Girlycard, Some Ozzy Osbourne-looking motherfucker Jr and Luke (by his friends)

Title: Sonnabitches Vampire

Family: Alucard (Father), Gabriel (Mother), Sir Integra (Adoptive mother) (Top bitch/boss), Seras Victoria (adoptive sister) (Child/Tag on PornHub), Walter (Butler) (Deceased) and Gasper Vladi (Cousin)

His attire:

Personality: ENTP (8w7), cocky, egotistical as his father's original counterpart, manchild, being random, sarcastic, rude, rebellious and perverted, and often disrespecting or mocking his enemies

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Personality: ENTP (8w7), cocky, egotistical as his father's original counterpart, manchild, being random, sarcastic, rude, rebellious and perverted, and often disrespecting or mocking his enemies

Affiliation: Devil May Cry (Shop/restaurant in Kuoh), Kuoh Academy (second year), KingsGlaive Organization and All Star team.

Info: Aluke is the son of Dracula/Alucard, since in 1944, Aluke was 8 years old, by Arthur Hellsing. In 1944, Aluke was given on task to hunt the Nazi in across Europe while his father Alucard and 14 year old Walter C Dorenz is sent on a mission to Warsaw, Poland, to stop Millennium's vampire production program. They presumably destroyed the project, but its main architects escaped. By 1969, Alucard was imprisoned in a dungeon in Hellsing manor by Arthur. Aluke was kept safe by Sir integra, because he act sir integra was her mother. After his mother well... nowhere is she.

After Arthur's death, Sir integra hide Aluke under the vent so he had to wait, hearing from Richard Hellsing jealous of Integra for inheriting the family headship attempted to hunt her down and kill her. After silence, Sir Integra can tell Aluke to come out, after her uncle was killed and Alucard his father became servant of Integra and Aluke called her Big Boss instead of her mother.




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Lambent Light

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Lambent Light

Abilities (same abilities like his father):

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Abilities (same abilities like his father):

Superhuman strength: Alucard is often shown to be able to rend steel, stone and other insanely strong materials with absurd ease.

Superhuman speed: He is able to move faster than the Human eye can see.

Superhuman Speed: He is able to move faster than the human eye can see.

Superhuman Durability: He is able to survive just about any form of physical trauma.

Superhuman Senses: Aluke's senses enable him to shoot his enemies from miles away without fail.

Bodily Manipulation: Is able to manipulate his amorphous body into just about any form he can imagine.

Soul Metabolization: Is able to gain power by consuming souls through the medium of his sanguivorous diet.

Shape Shifting: Can take on any form.

Phasing: Is able to move through solid matter.

Vampiric Infection: Can turn a virgin of the opposite sex into a vampire.

Gliding: Is able to sail on the wind for extended periods of time.

Solar Resistance: Unlike most vampires, Aluke is able to withstand direct contact with sunlight.

Mind Reading: Can search through the thoughts and memories of others.

Telepathy: Is able to communicate with others' minds over an unmeasured distance.

Mind Control: Is able to dominate the will and actions of others.

Summoning Familiars: Is able to manifest those he has consumed into an army.

Power Assimilation: Can assimilate the powers and skills of anyone he has consumed.

Agelessness: He is unable to age at all past his prime.

Regeneration: Aluke has been repeatedly stabbed, burned, shot, impaled (irony!), blown up, drowned, cut, and torn to shreds, yet has managed to recover from absolutely every form of mundane and supernatural force.

Therapist: It is safe to say that Aluke has gained this skill after giving therapy to every resident of the city of London and himself.

Omnipresence: He is everywhere and nowhere. He even watches you in the shower. And he knows what you dirty little bitch...

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