Chapter 8 (NEW) Meet the Sitri and Friendly Visit

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Back in Kuoh Academy

Leonidas and the All-Star team finally back to Kuoh Academy after the incident in KingsGlaive HQ led by the Valentine brothers. Now the KingsGlaive HQ will be based in Japan after some group of Organizations took over the UK, Ignis's hometown such as the Hellsing organization (their alliance), Iscariot (Vatican Section XIII) located in Italy, and others. Now the KingsGlaive Organization will be based in Kuoh Town. '

After their class, Leonidas, Caesar III, Aluke, and four Kaiju users walk to visit the ORC club, before they make it there, Leonidas gets a call from his friend Mio Naruse

Mio: *Phone* So I heard that you and your friends were attacked by Valentine Brothers?

Leonidas: Yep

Mio: *phone* And then somehow, found out they were the artificial vampires?

Leonidas: Yeah, those two brothers attacking the states, including Luke Valentine because he's a demigod bitch that Aluke said.

Mio: *Phone* *giggled* Man, also I heard that Half Vampire ate entire Fallen Angels when they recorded.

Leonidas stunned realized yesterday during their mission to take down Goliath, one surviving Fallen Angel recorded the scene as Aluke transformed into a Vampire monster devouring the group of Fallen Angels.

Leonidas: *deadpalm* Oh my God, Luke what did you do?

Aluke: What? I am almost hungry for blood. Despite I'm a fucking Vampire?

Leonidas felt mad at Aluke because of that yesterday, he was accidentally exposed as a monster form while recorded by Injured Fallen Angel before he ran away from Monsterous form.

Mio: *chuckles on the phone* Man when I told Barsara, Maria, and Yuki about hearing Fallen Angel screaming to death by a Really Fucking Vampire.

Leonidas: Yeah, so I better get going. I'll better to you later, Mio. And send my regards to Barsara, Maria, Yuki, Kurumi, Zest, Celis, and Nano will ya?

Mio: *phone* No problem, I'll make sure of that. See ya, Leon. Also, tell Aluke that Nanao is coming for him.

Leonidas: W-wait, what' happened between Nanao and Luke? 

Mio: *Phone* Well, before Luke met you, Nanao had a secret relationship with him.

Leonidas didn't know that Aluke had a secret relationship with Nanao. Because Nanao was a vampire and Aluke is a half-fucking Vampire.

Leonidas: Since when did Aluke meet her?

Mio: *Phone* Uhhh, It's a long story for Nanao. So gotta go! Bye!

Leonidas: Bye!

He ends the phone call as he meets up with Aluke and the others at the entrance school. They walked into the hallway, Issei along with Matsuda and Motohama

 They walked into the hallway, Issei along with Matsuda and Motohama

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