They could get through anything


"Ray I swear to god if you don't shut the fuck up I'm gonna punch the fuck outta you" Reggie groaned pushing Ray away from him while Larry laughed. He wrapped his arm around Lau's waist and Ray's shoulder as they walked, they'd been fucking around in the mall when Ray saw a woman eyeing him. Snickering he smacked the back of Reggie's head immediately dodging the hit Reggie threw at him "I'm just saying man, she had a fat ass and she wanted ya boy" this caused Lau to roll his eyes while laughing as well. "I'm sure she did alien nigga" Reggie groaned once again tugging on one of Ray's braids making him screech a bit making everyone laugh.

They'd made it back to Larry and Lau's house now chilling in the living room passing a blunt around. Ray was seated on the floor, Reggie in the armchair while Larry and Lau were on the sofa with Lau's head in Larry's lap. Music played from the speaker while they waited for the pizza, Ray leaned forward taking the blunt from Reggie taking a long puff before passing it to Larry. Lau was zoned out in his own little world when he heard Ray's phone go off, checking it the smile fell from his face. Glancing up at Larry they made eye contact silently communicating, Larry nodded his head towards the kitchen before gazing down at Lau deciding that anything that was said could be said in front him. "What's up Ray?" Reggie asked taking the blunt from Larry

"Zae just texted said they caught two niggas on the block, they at the warehouse" Larry nodded calmly running his fingers through Lau's fro. "You wanna move tonight?" Larry shook his head gazing down at his love "we move tomorrow" nodding once he heard Ray say "Bet". He leaned back adjusting Lau so he was comfortable "For now we can chill, they be there tomorrow".


Larry sighed to himself in his sleep adjusting the way he laid, he was having a wonderful dream.

The air grew hazy as his breath sped up, his eyes tightly shut. Sweat dripped from his afro and ran down to his neck, his mind foggy and his knees were starting to buckle.

Lau felt way too good

Lau cried out on cloud nine, Larry's pace was brutal and he had to thank god for this skillful hips. He couldn't think straight with Larry's hand in his pants stroking him, letting out a loud moan he felt Larry's tongue on his neck marking his territory "mm L-Larry we s-should stop b-baby". Lau was trying to uncloud his brain long enough to form a sentence while Larry's hand began to speed up. He had him pinned against the window of their bedroom and they both had work in an hour, if they didn't stop they'd be late. "L-Larry, baby.. w-we have work" Lau whined at the coldness of Larry's rings wrapped around his cock moaning again when Larry's fingers brushed across the tip.

"I no care, I want you so bad" Larry whispered biting down onto his earlobe driving Lau crazy, he no longer cared about being late to work, Larry removed his hand and pulled Lau's pants all the way down, "step" he instructed gripping his hips, his lips finding that delicious neck once again. "Larry please" Lau whined out this time begging for a different reason, he hadn't been touched in awhile and he needed it. "You sound so sexy when you beg Belle, drives me crazy" Larry growled into his ear grinding his hips against his love's. He pulled his own pants down biting his lip, eager to feel Lau around him. "I need you bebe, you feel that?" Larry pressed himself against lau moaning at the friction "you so mean teasing me then no let me have you" Lau was on the verge of losing his mind and it was all because of Larry, his skin was so hot not even the cool glass could chill him.

He gripped the back of Larry's neck panting heavily into his mouth "I sorry baby, I need you now.. please" he tilted his head back releasing one of the most beautiful sounds Larry has ever heard, he grabbed the back of Lau's legs instructing him to "jump" not being able to wait much longer. Lau jumped up his legs finding purchase around Larry's waist, he laid his head back against the window whimpering at the feel of Larry inside him. It felt so good he never wanted him to pull out. Larry started off with slow thrusts letting lau adjust while gradually speeding up his hips, biting his lip and tilting his head back thrusting at rapid speed.

The only sound that was heard was skin slapping and moans. "You feel so fucking good" Larry growled the suction of Lau's hole making his eyes roll back. Lau softly whimpered latching onto his shoulders to ground himself although he didn't think it was working. "Larry" he heard Lau's voice calling his name making him moan louder "that's right babè, call my name", "Larry wake up" huh? Why would Lau be telling him to wake up while they're making love? He heard it once again "Larry wake up!" Followed by a rough shake stirring him out of dreamland to be greeted by a drowsy Laurent.

He looked around confused rubbing his eye before it clicked in his head that it was all a dream.


A B U S E  (re-write) Where stories live. Discover now