The Other Side of the United States

394 11 59

Anything in bold in this oneshot is English, and the regular text is Japanese. Also, trigger warning for a derogatory term used against the Japanese during WW2. I wanted to let you all know beforehand, although it is censored.

The tension in the air was so thick you could almost taste it. The United States of America and the Empire of Japan stared each other down, this being their first meeting since the beginning of the war.

Despite their equally analytical stares, there was a tremendous difference in diameter. The Empire of Japan was unsteady on her feet, giant burn scars twisting their way up her legs. In contrast, the United States of America, recently recovered from a wound at the hand of Japan's soldiers, stood tall and confident, looking every bit the empire and world power he was.

"I don't know why you expect me to agree." Japan eventually said, her voice breaking through the otherwise silent room. Her voice, unlike her demeanor, was powerful and confident. Despite this, America only seemed amused by what she was saying.

"I don't know why you expected to have a choice," America said, posture relaxing, a sign that the empire believed he had power over the room, "You lost; I'm occupying your nation, and you need to learn to deal with that. You're not an empire anymore."

"That doesn't mean I'll just roll over for you and do whatever you ask! I'm not one of your states!" Japan spat, her tone venomous. America's eyes narrowed slightly before his face relaxed into a cheery smile.

"Oh, don't be like that. I'm being generous. I'm letting you write the terms by which you'll die. That's more than either of your allies got. Axis Italy's already dead, and Germany will follow soon." America said in a far too friendly and nonchalant tone before pulling out his pistol and pointing it at her head.

"So, you can work with me on this, or I'll kill you right now and hope your replacement is more agreeable than you are. And if they aren't, I'll kill them and see if that replacement wants to work with me. Because here's the thing, Japan." America said, leaning down to whisper in her ear, taking care to keep his gun at her head, "I don't mind killing a few J-ps."

America then pulled away, still smiling, "Now, are those terms alright with you?"

Japan was pale, but her expression was stubborn. "You expect me to sign my death warrant?"

"No, I expect you to die. It's your call as to how. Bullet or peacefully. I think it's a no-brainer, but you and your people aren't exactly smart." America said, pulling his gun away from her as he tapped it against his head, his smile turning from cheerful to bemused. Japan looked like she wanted to yell or do something of that nature, but her eyes flickered to the gun, and she sighed, one of hopeless defeat.

"Where do we start?" She asked. America's grin turned genuine and almost feral, and he returned the gun to its sheath.

"Why, Japan, I'm so glad you asked!" He purred, his tone reflective of poisoned honey. Sickeningly sweet and full of the most deadly kind of danger.

America grabbed Japan by the shoulder, squeezing it tightly as he forced her out of the room. Japan stumbled but quickly found her footing again, shooting the American a glare, which was, thankfully for Japan, unnoticed by him. Unfortunately, the American state that had been waiting in the hallway noticed the glare.

"Father," Virginia said, jerking her head to the defeated empire. America laughed.

"Relax, Virginia, she won't do anything. Despite all the claims she's made about killing herself at the soonest opportunity, she didn't take the opportunity I just presented her. She'll sign away her life, no matter how much she hates it." America said.

"I can understand you," Japan said, switching to English, as she did not enjoy being talked over.

"Oh, so Hawaii did teach you something. I thought you two would prefer your...languages." Virginia said in a judging tone, looking Japan up and down in the same way a wolf would examine its prey, "I guess we taught her something after all."

"Virginia!" America snapped, causing the state to back down, emotion sliding off her face as Virginia pushed aside everything about her that's human to replace it with the coldness of an inhuman state.

"Apologies, America," The Commonwealth of Virginia said, "I didn't mean offense. I just meant that I did not think the Territory of Hawaii would be so willing to civilize herself more without the aid of martial law. It's good to know that we don't need to force her to civilize in order for her to civilize."

"You made her a puppet?" Japan asked, turning to America. The country looked amused at that.

"A puppet? Do you think I would do that to one of my own? No, she has her free will. I'm just helping guide her in the right direction." America answered, even though he was fully aware that although marital law allowed the recipient to retain some free will, they didn't keep all of it. He knew that. Hawai'i wasn't the first of his subdivisions to be under martial law.

But compared to the act of becoming a puppet state? America had decided he was being merciful by allowing Hawaii to be still able to think for herself. It was more than what Japan's puppet states had been allowed, so ultimately, any criticisms she had about him, valid or not, would be ignored.

"Then what does she," Japan said, looking at the Commonwealth of Virginia, "mean by force?"

"I don't see what my business has to do with yours," America said, his tone far less superficially kind than it had been before. Taking the hint, Japan wisely shut her mouth.

It was an odd thing for the humans the three countrypeople passed to see the two empires walking side by side. If not for the state trailing them, gun in hand, you could almost be convinced they were friends, that they still held some semblance of kindness for each other.

That's not how countries work, of course, but it's nice to dream.

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