Strike Back

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Doolittle Raid, requested by awart475

Event: Doolittle Raid
Codename: Conceal
Location: USS Enterprise, Pacific Ocean off Japan
Date: April 18, 1942

Ohio shivered as the cold sea air bit into his skin, the cold seeming to pierce him to his bones. North Carolina, his sister and fellow pilot, laughed.

"Cold?" She asked, a joking tone to her voice. Ohio rolled his eyes.

"At least I'm handling it better than you," Ohio said, knowing full well that his cold tolerance was much better than his sister's as he was further north. North Carolina bumped his shoulder playfully.

"Okay, Mr. Tough Guy," she said with a smirk before walking over to her modified B-25B. Ohio smiled and then walked towards his own plane.

"You know the girl?" One of his crew members, Richard, asked as Ohio approached. Ohio nodded

"She's my sister."

"Why did they let that stupid girl be a pilot?" Another one of his crew members asked the one that had always gotten on Ohio's nerves.

His name was Jackson Southgate. His family was poor and from California, but he always talked about moving his family to Hawaii. He had an inability to shut up and always thought he was better than North Carolina. He had even assumed when he first came onto the ship that North Carolina was someone's wife or had bought her way onto the ship with sex. It pissed him off.

"Because she's more capable of flying than many people like you." Ohio shot back. The rest of the crew snickered, and Jackson glared at the state. Ohio just smiled and climbed into the plane. He then started doing his pre-flight checks, knowing that everything had to be perfect, as taking off from a carrier in an army plane was stupid, risky, and dangerous.

That's why North Carolina and Ohio volunteered for this. They had the most training of all their siblings, certainly more than the humans here.

"Everything good, Lawrence?" Ohio's best friend and crew member Jermey asked. Ohio nodded.

"We are most likely not going to die today. The jury's still out on Jackson, though," Ohio commented, causing another round of snickers. Jackson wasn't the most well-liked person on the carrier, and everyone tended to avoid him due to his superiority complex.

He just thought they were assholes. He was entitled.

"You are a defensive brother," Jackson said, but he didn't say anything else. Ohio looked back at him and noticed he was giving the state an eerie, strange look. It made Ohio uncomfortable, and he moved his gaze back to the instruments on the front of the plane.

"Thank you, Jackson. That means a lot. I really love my sister," Ohio said, watching as the first plane began to take off. He swallowed nervously and exhaled, trying to calm himself. The first plane left the ship fine, so Ohio should be okay. He would be alright.

"Ready boys?" Ohio asked as he was signaled that it was his turn to take off.

"Hell yeah, we are Law! Let's go bomb Tokyo and get some revenge for our boys in Pearl Harbor," Evan, the last crewmate, said.

"And maybe impress some lovely exotic Hawaiian ladies in the process," Jackson said, making Ohio feel uncomfortable. He knew Hawaii would not like this man and that one Hawaiian lady wouldn't be impressed with him.

Well...when she was free of martial law, that is. Who knows what she thinks now? Dad and DC were both busy with their own things, so for now, it was mainly her government controlling things.

As Ohio considered Jackson's strange comment and wondered about what Hawaii was like now, he prepared for takeoff. He then pushed those thoughts away and focused on takeoff. North Carolina had already gone, so it was time to join his sister in the sky.

Thankfully, the takeoff went smoothly, and soon Ohio was on his way to Tokyo.

"Remember, boys, we are aiming for military targets. No civilian targets." Ohio said.

"We know, we know, don't worry, Rent," Richard said. The plane then fell into a comfortable silence, save for the sounds of the plane and wind. They were all nervous about this mission. After the bombing, they would be heading to China to land. This, unfortunately, was very dangerous, as they could land in a place that was controlled by the Japanese and be captured, tortured, executed, and killed.

And that's if we aren't shot down by Japanese anti-aircraft fire or fighters.

Ohio didn't want to know what Dad would do if he or North Carolina were captured. They already had enough family and friends in Japan's hands.

"I see Japan!" Jermey called as the island came into view. Ohio rolled his eyes at Jermey's excitement. They could all see the islands. As they got closer and began to fly over the bay, anti-aircraft fire began. But it was too little, and the few planes Ohio saw were not enough to take on all sixteen planes in the sky.

Thankfully, no one had been shot down as far as Ohio could see. He began to fix his sights on the city, scanning the wooden buildings for his target. Eventually, he saw it and alerted his crew, who prepared for the strike.

Then, as they flew over the target, the bomb was dropped, and the plane lurched at the loss of weight before Ohio turned the plane to China. They flew over Japan, not being pursued by anyone—not yet. But even then, Ohio didn't relax until they were out over the Sea of Japan.

Ohio sighed in relief as he realized he was safe, now in the clear.

Ohio hoped North Carolina would be as well. In any case, he'll see if she makes it in China. Ohio doesn't think anyone was shot down—at least, he hopes not.

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