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Canneth requested by azaleacloud. It's a bit short, as I'm not the best at romance, but I hope you like it.

Waiting to pick up someone from an airport always seemed to take longer than it should. Canada had been waiting for his boyfriend for an hour, even though his flight had landed 45 minutes ago.

"Basile! Sorry to keep you waiting. Baggage claim took forever," Netherlands said, as Canada saw the Dutch nation approach him in human form. Canada laughed.

"That's why you don't check your bags, Willem," Canada responded, getting out of the car to help him put his bags in it. Netherlands rolled his eyes.

"Okay, genius. I'd like to see you visit my country for a month and have so little luggage that you don't have to check the bags." He shot back, placing his backpack on top of his suitcase and moving to the passenger side door. Canada smiled, walked to the driver's side, and entered the car.

"So, Neth, what plans do you have for this trip? Aside from the usual?" Canada asked. Blushing slightly, Netherlands then stammered out that he wanted to visit some more of Canada's national parks and go hiking there.

"I was reading up on some of them, and Georgian Bay Islands National Park looks really cool. It's in Ontario, so it shouldn't be too far away. Beausoleil Trail seems like a cool hike, and it's only 8 kilometers. It's an easy hike, so I think it would be fun for us to do." He rambled. Netherlands loved hiking and spending time in the wild, so he always made it a goal to visit and hike in at least one National Park while he was in Canada's country.

"That sounds wonderful. We can stop at my house, and I can pack a bag for that trip. We can go there now and try to get a hotel room, or we can stay in Ottawa for a little while and then go to Georgian Bay," Canada suggested.

"Can we go to the park first? I can call hotels while you pack?" Netherlands asked, his face alight with joy.

"That would be great. It's probably better if we try to get a hotel reservation before we arrive there." Canada said, honking his horn at an idiot driver who cut him off. Netherlands nodded and pulled out his phone.

"I'll start making calls now." He said.

"Thanks, Tulip," Canada said, which caused him to get flustered. Netherlands always got embarrassed easily about pet names, which is why Canada loved to call him by them.

"Nada, stop doing that!" He groaned out, causing Canada to laugh.

"Why? Are you embarrassed, petite tulipe?" Canada asked. Netherlands turned red, buried his face in his hands, and dropped his phone onto his lap. He groaned, and Canada laughed loudly at his reaction.

"Nady, I won't be able to make any reservations if you keep doing this to me!" He said.

"Fine. Once you make the reservation, I'll get back to embarrassing you, ma tulipe." Netherlands groaned again but quickly went to look up hotels.

Canada turned his focus back onto the road, smiling smugly at his successful efforts of embarrassing his boyfriend.

He was amazing.

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