Shot From The Sky

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Thank you to NewLostIslands for helping give me inspiration to write this oneshot, which is a gift to them for giving me the base of this angsty headcanon. Lost, hope you enjoy this oneshot I made for you.

General Grant had asked Michigan to fly up and figure out where the cannons should be aimed. They needed this siege to end. Once Vicksburg fell, they could finally cut the Confederacy in half and achieve the second goal of the Anaconda Plan. He was just as eager to end the siege as the others, and not firing blindly would help.

So now Michigan was about ten feet above the Mississippi, examining the city and debating whether he would be safe flying over it.

"On the bright side, it would give us an advantage. On the bad side, I would definitely get hurt flying directly over it. Maybe I can try flying around the outskirts?" Michigan muttered to himself, tilting his head to the side as he tried to figure out what to do.

Michigan heard another gunshot but didn't take much notice of it until blinding pain erupted in his right wing. He screamed as he began to plummet like a stone.

Michigan quickly stretched out his wings, trying to slow the fall, ignoring how that made the pain worse. As his fall slowed, Michigan began to feel lightheaded and dizzy and was starting to have trouble moving his wings.

"Make it to shore, make it to shore," he muttered as he tried to turn toward the shore of the Mississippi so he could land and get medical treatment.

Michigan was too far to make it, not with how high he was above the water. He flapped his wings once, trying to gain more height, but it just made the pain overwhelming. His muscles seized up, and Michigan fell as everything began fading away. He closed his eyes and fell into unconsciousness, not even feeling his body hit the water.

The next thing Michigan was aware of was a hand running through his hair. Michigan tried to peel his eyes open, but it took too much energy, energy he didn't seem to have. His head was so fuzzy, and he wasn't sure what was happening. Michigan thinks people were talking.

Michigan then groaned as pain began to hit him, centered around his wing. The hand running through his hair stopped, and Michigan let out a little whine, not wanting to lose the comfort.

"......." Had someone spoken? Michigan couldn't tell. His awareness slowly faded, and Michigan felt like someone had tied weights to his limbs. They were so heavy and hard to move.

Not that he wanted to move.


The hand was beginning to run through his hair again, and Michigan let out a small sigh as he fell again into unconsciousness.


Michigan had been going in and out of consciousness and never managed to stay awake for longer than what felt like a couple of seconds. This time, however, he was able to stay awake for much longer, although he hadn't moved since waking up.

Michigan was just so lightheaded and hot, and his limbs felt so heavy. There were also voices talking around him, but he didn't care enough to focus on what they were saying.

Michigan finally opened his eyes and tried to focus them on the source of the voices. While his vision was initially fuzzy, he finally realized who it was.

"Mes..mis.." Michigan was cut off from his attempt at speaking as he began coughing, loud, grating coughs that hurt his throat. It didn't help the lightheadedness.

"Hey hey hey, Michigan, don't speak," Missouri said, putting his hand on Michigan's forehead. His hand was cold and felt so lovely, especially since Michigan was so hot. Against his will, Michigan's eyes began slipping shut.

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