Nieuw York

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For NewLostIslands, who inspired this little oneshot in the first place. Thank you Aili, for always knowing what questions to ask. Underline is English, Bold is Italian, and Italics is Swedish


A new century was always the perfect time to start working on a new house.

New York was with a group of people he had employed to help him dig out the foundation of his house and build it. While New York had always enjoyed being able to construct his home on his own, but new technological advancements and his lack of understanding of them made it harder to do that.

At least New York was still keeping his old house in Albany. An electricity-free house that actually makes sense to him would probably be much better than this house outside of New York City. Still, the city never seemed to stop growing, so it was essential to have a place nearby. If anything, it would give his pap a place to stay when he's in town like he is now.

"Mister New York! My brother found a dead body! He says it looks like it has recently passed. What should we do?" One of the workers called from the other side of the construction site, panic in his voice.

"What?" New York exclaimed, dropping what was in his hands and rushing to the worker. The worker was now comforting his brother, who looked horrified at what he had seen.

"Are you alright?" New York asked the brother, who shook his head. New York turned to face the man who had called him over.

"You two go home. Get some rest. I'm sorry you had to discover this. Rest assured, I will make sure you get into no legal trouble for this. This was not your fault," New York told them. The man nodded and left, with his brother leaning on him.

New York then peaked into the hole they had been digging and immediately spotted the body. New York knew from the skin colors that it was one of them. A countryhuman that had their life taken from them and wasn't buried with respect. New York swore. This just got a lot more complicated. His father would have to be notified, and they would have to hope that they could identify the body in case any relatives wanted to claim it.

New York then approached the workers, standing around with hesitation and fear.

"It's one of us. I know we were supposed to work on the foundation, but I think we should hold off on that until we can move the body and give them a funeral. I'll still pay you for today's work. Enjoy a day off, and thank you for all your help," New York told the workers.

"Grazie New York." Their supervisor said before they began to pack up their equipment.

"And can one of you go to City Hall? My father is there with the mayor and needs to be notified of this." New York asked.

"I can do that for you, New York. I have to go by there anyways." One of the workers said. New York gave him a grateful smile before helping them back up the rest of their things.

New York walked back over to the hole where the half-buried body was. The body was female, with orange, white, and blue skin. Thankfully, The clothes were not fully composed, and a covering remained over her body. She was lying face down, and a wound was visible on her back. Something about her it was scratching at a long-forgotten itch in New York's brain.

Before he really knew what he was doing, he had walked down to her body. She looked...she looked so much like a recently deceased body. It was strange to think she had been here for at least a hundred years. New York put a hand on her shoulder, her body deathly cold. He slowly turned her face upwards so he could look at it and froze before falling backward in shock.

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