Sleepy Twin

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"Apple..." Delaware mumbled as he walked into New York's room. New York looked at the doorway to see his twin rubbing his eyes.

"What's up, Delly?" New York asked, spinning his chair to face him.

"M'tired. But I can't sleep," he said. New York smiled, knowing what this meant. They would always go to the other whenever Delaware or he couldn't sleep.

They slept better together.

"Alright, I guess I can go to bed now," New York said, checking the clock and realizing it was already three am. No wonder Delaware seemed so miserable about not being able to sleep.

"Thanks, Apps," Delaware said. New York sat on his bed, and Delaware immediately walked over and laid down, using his chest as a pillow, even though New York wasn't lying down.

This was the other thing Delaware did when he couldn't sleep.

"Do you have to do this every time?" New York asked, trying to coax Delaware and him into a more comfortable position. His twin nodded.

"Tvillingbröder gör de bästa kuddarna." (Twin brothers make the best pillows,) he said. New York rolled his eyes with a fond smile and tugged at his lips, having finally gotten them into a more comfortable position.

"Good night, little bro," New York murmured into Delaware's hair as he fell asleep.

"I'm the older twin." He whispered back before burrowing his face into New York's chest.

"Ratification doesn't count," New York responded. Delaware's response was muffled, but New York knew what he was saying.

"Yes, it does."

"Well, past lives should count, which makes me older," New York responded, hugging Delaware. His wings wrapped around him, pulling him closer to New York. Delaware turned his head to the side, probably to speak better.

"Ratifi.." Delaware began, being cut off by a yawn, "Ratification is so much more different than our past lives."

"Yeah, but that's technically us. Kinda." New York tried to argue before yawning. Why did yawns have to be contagious? Delaware laughed.

"No, it's bro." He said before turning his head again, trying to bury it deeper into New York's chest, like he always did when he was tired. Delaware was so clingy when he was exhausted. It was cute.

"Now you're just being mean," New York said. Delaware hummed, and New York could feel him smile. New York rolled his eyes again before closing them.

If he was going to be stuck with his sleepy twin, he might as well try and get some sleep out of it.

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