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California commits arson, requested by HannahRiverlight

"Cali's been running around with gasoline and matches all day. Do you think we should be worried?" Nevada asked Arizona as they watched California walk by with said objects.

"Probably," Arizona answered.

"Relax you two. You aren't my target." California called. Nevada laughed at that.

"You have a target?" Arizona asked. California nodded.

"That hijo de puta Texas. His house is going to go up in flames!" California said with a laugh. Nevada laughed harder at that as Arizona just stared at California in concern.

"I want to ask what motivated this so badly, but I am also very afraid of the answer," Arizona eventually said.

"Good choice, Sunny. Good choice. Vada, want to help me? I know you are always down for illegal things," California asked.

"Not all the time, but this seems fun. So long as we don't get arrested. But I have four active warrants out for human me, so this should be fine." Nevada said, shrugging.

"You have four warrants out for you? Jesus fuck Vada, what did you do?" Arizona asked, looking like she was questioning both Nevada's sanity and California's.

"Relax. Two are for car theft, one is for battery, and the other is for missing my court date," Nevada said, omitting the fact that all of this had been gained through helping Illinois work to get out of the unfortunate situation he had been trapped in since 1921.

"YOU MISSED A COURT DATE?" Arizona yelled. Nevada laughed, knowing it was best to hide his feelings about Illinois's situation. After all, Illinois couldn't tell anyone and the consequences would be deadly.

"Jeez, Valentine, would you speak a little louder? I don't think they heard you in DC," Nevada said. Arizona rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, please stop screaming while we plan illegal things," California said. Arizona groaned and threw her hands into the air.

"You two are infuriating!" She said before marching out.

"Well, she's a joy to be around. Anyway, are you ready to set Texas's house on fire?" California said, holding up a match and smiling.

"Ready! Let's just hope he doesn't find out about it being us. I'm more scared of what he'll do than what the police will do." Nevada said.

"Well, this is revenge for him burning down my house, so I'm sure he won't mind."


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