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Defenestrations of Prague, requested by _Lqmie. I chose to do the 1618 one. Sorry this took so so long, I was having trouble writing it.

Hradčany Castle, Prague, Kingdom of Bohemia, Holy Roman Empire

May 28, 1618

Bohemia stared down the Holy Roman Empire as he entered the room, followed by four of his Catholic deputies. His gray eyes swept the room, taking stock of everything before they focused on the kingdom and met her gaze.

"Hello, Bohemia," he said. Bohemia gritted her teeth, trying to prevent herself from saying something she would regret and that would make this situation worse.

It was harder than it looked. Bohemia hated politics sometimes. There was all the subterfuge and hiding what you really believed and felt until you couldn't hold it back any longer, and then things exploded into war.

Hopefully, this would end up triggering a war, and Bohemia would most likely be declared in open rebellion. Maybe that's what was needed. But still, she needed to prove a point and prove the point she would. After all, this city was the site of several defenestrations before, so it was only fitting to make it the site of another.

"Hello, Holy Roman Empire. I'm sure you know what we are here to talk about," Bohemia said, hoping the empire would not try to play the innocent, unknowing man who was being unjustly accused of something he didn't know was wrong.

Empires loved pretending they were innocent of everything. This was infuriating for non-empires who had to deal with it. They were ignored, walked over, and expected to remain doormats to them. It was especially worse for Bohemia because, as a member of the Holy Roman Empire, she technically had to obey him.


"You are upset about the closing of the churches, are you not?" Holy Roman Empire asked.

"Yes, I am. Emperor Rudolf II promised us religious freedoms in the Majestätsbrief. Emperor Ferdinand II violated those promises by closing the Protestant churches after promising to respect the Majestätsbrief. Then he gave the land to the Catholic Church and arrested those who tried to protest what he did." Bohemia stated, feeling her confidence grow as she spoke.

"They were disturbing the peace and trying to obstruct the work of God." Holy Roman Empire cut in. Bohemia ignored him and continued to speak.

"Then, we ask you to release those who were wrongfully arrested, who were arrested in the protest, and we tell you emperor about how he is infringing their rights to own property and to enjoy the freedom of worship. And you refuse and deny everything. You are clearly ignoring the Majestätsbrief and what it promised us." Bohemia said, standing up. Holy Roman Empire raised an eyebrow.

"Is that the reason for the large crowd outside?" He asked, his voice cold, as he refused to show any emotion to anything. It was more infuriating than him just being an asshole.

"It's a demonstration. My people and I won't take your violation of our rights lying down, which brings me to another topic. Did Emperor Ferdinand II order us to bow to his will on pain of death, and did you Catholic deputies encourage him to adopt this stance?" Bohemia asked. The Holy Roman Empire laughed.

"You really are desperate for a reason to revolt, are you? Fine, we'll satisfy your needs. My deputies will prove their innocence, and then we can all leave, and you can end your demonstration." He said, gesturing towards the first of his deputies to speak. Bohemia felt her fists clench and tried to stay calm. Being rash would do her no good here.

Bohemia made eye contact with Holy Roman Empire, who just smiled at her as his deputy spoke. Bohemia wasn't paying much attention to what the deputies were saying. That's why some of her Protestant leaders were here, to take care of the trial. Bohemia was here to show solidarity, but now it seems she's been put in charge of watching Holy Roman Empire, who looked so smug about everything that it was insufferable.

Once the four Catholic deputies had finished giving their reports, the leaders Bohemia had with her decided who was guilty and who was innocent. Much to her disappointment, Adam II von Sternberg and Matthew Leopold Popel Lobkowitz were found innocent and allowed to leave.

Hopefully, the crowd left them alone. If not, that didn't bother her that much.

But that did leave us with three enemies up here. Holy Roman Empire, Count Jaroslav Bořita of Martinice and Count Vilem Slavata of Chlum.

"Now, what do you plan to do? You've declared them 'guilty,' but you don't have the power to put them in jail or enforce that sentence. Just back down. It'll make things easier for us all." Holy Roman Empire said.

"You want to go back down? Well, that can be arranged," Bohemia said, standing up. Holy Roman Empire looked at me confused.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm going to defenestrate you," Bohemia repeated before she and her leaders got hold of the two men while Holy Roman Empire disappeared on them.

"Coward." Bohemia spat out, "At least we still get to throw the other two out the window."

She turned back to face the Prostant Leaders, smiling as she watched them throw the two men out the window. She walked over to the window, and much to her surprise, both of them were still alive.

"Dammit." She muttered.

Both were alive, even if one was being carried away by his servants, and Bohemia didn't get to throw the Holy Roman Empire out the window like she wanted.

But still, she achieved her one goal.

Making a statement.

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