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Peshtigo fire, requested by NewLostIslands

Everything was hurting. Pain echoed throughout Wisconsin's body as every movement tugged at the numerous burns on her body. She could feel someone applying a cream to the burns.

The cream was cold and barely soothed the pain. Her eyes were screwed shut, and she whimpered as the cream was applied to the burns.

Wisconsin didn't really remember how she got here. She didn't know if she was with her family or in a hospital. She didn't have the strength or the pain tolerance to open her eyes. The last thing she remembered was trying to help others escape the fire and then being forced to her knees by smoke inhalation.

Wisconsin think that's what it was in any case. Her lungs burned just as fiercely as her skin did. Breathing was hard and painful, just like everything else.

She felt a hand brush over one of the bigger burns, and she whimpered again.

"Hey Connie, you're alright," her dad's voice said. Wisconsin couldn't tell where it was coming from, if he was tending to the burns or not...but it...she was glad he was here. It was a comforting presence.

But even then, the pain didn't cease. She tried to open her eyes, but only one would open. The other one stayed sealed shut. Wisconsin weakly turned to look at her father. Her mouth opened slightly in an attempt to allow she breathing to come out easier.

His face was full of worry, but he smiled in an attempt to be reassuring. Pennsylvania was at his side, the one who was applying the cream to Wisconsin's arm. Pennsylvania must have come in a hurry because she hadn't pinned up her sleeve on the right side, and it hung loosely.

Wisconsin tried to say something back, but all that came out was a strangled sort of groan, and tears began to flow from her one open eye.

"It's alright, Connie. Don't speak if it hurts," Her dad said, reaching for her head before stopping and sighing. Wisconsin knew what he wanted to do—that he wanted to comfort her—but he also knew that touch hurt.

His presence was comforting enough.

"I'm going to finish applying the cream. Are you okay with that?" Pennsylvania said. Wisconsin tried to give some sort of response, but instead, the pain swelled, and nausea grew in her stomach. She was on her back, so if she vomited, she would have to turn herself to my side.

Wisconsin couldn't do that.

So Wisconsin forced it down, tried to keep it from showing, as Pennsylvania seemed to take her lack of response as a yes, and slowly and gently began applying the cold cream to her burns. Wisconsin's hands clenched the bed as she tried to keep from moving, but that didn't help any, and the pain-induced nausea continued to grow.

Knowing that she would regret the coming decision, Wisconsin forced her body to the side as she puked, causing everything to blur into pain. Her eye slammed s,hut and she bit down a sob.

Wisconsin could vaguely hear the panicked voices of her dad and Pennsylvania, but nothing they said made any sense or came through to her into any comprehensible language.

The pain lessened some. But it still hurt so badly. Wisconsin wanted it to end, for it to all end. She wanted to be unconscious, or dead, or something that would just cease the agony she was feeling.

Moving wasn't a good idea, she thought, her mind slowly being overtaken by a foggy haze that seemed to make everything...less. It was harder to think, but harder to feel, too.

So Wisconsin let it take over, and everything faded.

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