Finland's Wings

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"The time has come, Finland. You will finally be getting your official coat of arms." Russian Empire said, placing his hand on Finland's shoulder.

"Will I get to have wings like yours? To show how I am your son?" Finland asked. Russian Empire smiled.

"Yes," Russian Empire said, taking Finland into a room with the new coat of arms. Finland's tail waved around in excitement, but after his father looked at it, he grabbed it and held it close to his chest, stopping it from waving around.

"Good boy. You are doing such a good job correcting those wrongful behaviors." Russian Empire said. Finland smiled widely at that. Russian Empire then picked up a pen and lightly tapped Finland on the nose, smiling softly.

"Now, are you ready for your new coat of arms?" He asked. Finland nodded eagerly.

Russian Empire then moved to sign the law that made it official, and the effects on Finland were instantaneous. The small, physically six child swayed and collapsed as the new limps began to push their way out of his body.

Finland's mind was foggy and drifty, which he assumed must have been a side effect of the new coat of arms. He couldn't form coherent thoughts. All he wanted was sleep. He felt himself lifted by his father, presumably, his limp body not resisting.

Finland still felt very happy despite the newfound exhaustion that had settled into his limbs. He finally has his new coat of arms, which his father wanted him to have. He finally felt like an official part of his family. Without realizing it, Finland let out a tiny, happy meow.

The result was instantaneous. Finland was thrown to the ground, his father's face twisting to absolute fury and disappointment. It scared Finland.

"BAD! You will not make those cursed noises in my home. You understand Finland?" Russian Empire said, throwing his son to the ground. Finland nodded quickly, clamping his lips shut. Russian Empire smiled again.

"Good boy," he responded. Finland smiled, happy he could stop his father's disappointment.

The arms picked him back up, and Finland quickly nuzzled back into the warmth, his eyes slipping shut. Being there, held in his father's warm grip, made him feel so relaxed. His face pressed against his father's massive chest. He listened to his father's steady breaths.

A door opened, and Finland felt himself being lowered towards a bed. Reluctantly, he released his grip on his father and allowed himself to be placed down on the bed. His father's hands rubbed the base of his ears, sending another wave of relaxation through his body as he fought back the lion noises his body attempted to make.

But he was so tired that it was getting hard to hold them back. He didn't want to disappoint his father again!

"Sleep deeply, my son. Everything will feel better in the morning," Russian Empire said as Finland's consciousness slowly slipped away. The events of the day and the steady pets of his ears dragged the now griffin child to sleep.

Countryhumans OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora