The bitch cherry-picked all the information she gave me, making this place seem significantly more beautiful and magical than it really is.

Objectively, I know I'm judging the faerie realm a bit harshly because of my kidnapping, and I'd probably like it a lot more had I come for a vacation or something fun, but I don't care. This place fucking blows, and if I get out of here alive, I'm never returning.

I don't care if the faeries have super magical mates and magic. It's not worth it.

"What do you know about the trolls?" Kie asks me.

I'm surprised he's acknowledged I've spoken, even if it's with another question.

"I heard they like to eat humans," I admit. "But that's about all."

Mason picks up the pace, and I grimace and quicken my movements to match. We've only been walking for a few hours now, but I'm growing tired earlier with each passing day. It probably doesn't help that I didn't eat any breakfast this morning.

My body's running on fumes.

"They eat whatever they can get their hands on," Kie says. "But they're small and easy to kill, and they're notoriously bad trackers. We'll be safer in their lands."

I let out a silent sigh of relief, happy to hear that. Between these two and the shifters I know are probably tracking us at this very moment, I've been on high alert. I'm over-analyzing every sound I hear, cataloging and panicking over it until I'm positive I'm about to die.

I'm pretty sure both Mason and Kie have better hearing than me, but that doesn't mean they won't miss something. I'd be dumb to trust them blindly, and it's up to me to look out for myself.

"How small are they?" I ask, wanting to know my odds of surviving a troll attack.

If I get lucky and manage to escape these two, it'd be nice to know how much danger I'm in. When I hear troll, I think of short green men with spiked bats—not the most intimidating.

"Not small enough for you," Mason says, speaking up. "You're too weak, and they'll gouge out your eyes before you can do any harm."

I grind my teeth, annoyed with his interruption. I'm also annoyed that I can't tell whether he's being serious or not. I'd like to think he's just saying this to frighten me, but it's also no secret that I'm weaker than most of the other races that inhabit this realm.

I'm no match for the faeries, I'm especially no match for the shifters, so it's not a massive surprise that I wouldn't be one for the trolls.

"They'll try to keep you alive for as long as possible, though. They believe meat tastes best when it's been infused with a healthy dose of adrenaline," Mason continues. He lets out a quiet hum before turning to smirk at me over his shoulder. "You're most afraid of being raped, and I doubt it'll take them long to see that."

I stiffen, not liking what he's insinuating.

"Mason," Kie hisses.

Mason continues, ignoring him. "They don't usually fuck their meals, but they'll probably make an exception if they know it'll get the reaction they want out of you. I imagine after four or five have run through you, they'll—"

"That's enough," Kie says, cutting him off.

Mason stops walking altogether, and I find myself holding my breath as he spins around to face us. I just want one day of peace, but at least the arguing is between Kie and Mason.

"Why?" he asks. "Shouldn't she know what'll happen if the trolls get their hands on her? Wouldn't you want to know?"

My skin feels itchy, and I want to peel it off.

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