Chapter 31

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I feel like I've gotten away with murder.

I run until my lungs feel like they're about to explode, and even then, I continue. My paranoia is at an all-time high, and I'm terrified Mason's going to pounce on me out of nowhere. I doubt he'll hesitate to sink his teeth into my throat, ripping the flesh and killing me before I even know what's happening.

Every breath I take erupts out of me in short, loud bursts. My high school track coach would probably keel over if he heard my poor technique, and I can practically visualize his disappointed frown.

That man was intense.

"Fuck," I gasp, dodging a long branch.

It comes out of nowhere and smacks against my forehead, and it hurts far more than it has any business hurting. I'm getting sick of traveling during the night and sleeping during the day, and even though the sun is still up, it's quickly settling behind the trees.

We got a later start today, thanks to Mason and his bleeding all over the ground, meaning we got a later start on the day.

That doesn't bode well for me and my poor eyesight, but I'm still going to make use of the few hours of daylight I have. At least it's cloudy today, preventing me from getting as hot as I did yesterday.

It's the only silver lining I can find.

I don't have water, so I need to stay as cool as possible. Sweating will only dehydrate me faster.

Another branch threatens to smack me in the face, and I loudly grunt as I pivot to the side at the last moment and dodge it. It's hard to pay attention to what's in front of me when I'm also trying to keep an eye on my surroundings, and my poor forehead is paying the price.

These branches keep appearing out of nowhere, and I know it'll only worsen as the sun sets. I can move quickly when I can see where I'm going, and even though I have my flashlight, I'll need to slow considerably when I no longer have the luxury of sunlight.

Otherwise, I'll definitely break an ankle.

My feet slam against the ground, and tiny shocks of pain vibrate up my knees. I wish my bandages were a bit tighter, but all in all, I'd say they're holding on pretty well. Mason stole my best first-aid supplies and stuffed them into his bag, so I must make do with the small bits I have left.

I don't think I have any bandages large enough to cover the cuts on my knees, so I'll have to be careful with the gauze I've currently got on them. They need to last.

The sun continues to set, and my pace gradually slows to a hurried walk. My body can't keep up with the running forever, but I still try to keep a quick pace.

I can't believe Mace and Kie haven't found me yet.

Unless they have and are watching me from afar. My gaze darts back and forth, searching for any hint of them. I don't see anything amiss, and several birds are still chirping loudly from the treetops, but I can't rely on the birds to inform me when the pair are close.

Eventually, I have no choice but to bring out my flashlight. I've still got my bread cloth, and I wrap it around the handle to dim the light as I did during my first night walking through the woods. It wasn't too effective, considering Mason and Kie still found me, but it's better than nothing.

My nerves spike as it grows dark, and I find myself searching for Kie and Mason with more fervor. There's no way they haven't found me yet. They're toying with me, no doubt watching me struggle from somewhere nearby.

I bet they're having a grand fucking time doing so, too.


Something wet lands on my cheek, and I groan as I peer up at the trees.

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