𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞; 𝐥𝐮𝐢𝐬.

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A/n: guys I can't stop thinking about Nic, gas, all the above ... like I want something so bad but here's a chapter bc I'm so tired and need to sleep <3

𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞; 𝐥𝐮𝐢𝐬

𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞; 𝐥𝐮𝐢𝐬

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Lawrence's POV

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Lawrence's POV

"No, Lawrence! I won't let you see that man ever again! I'll be damned if that grown man comes around my sixteen year old daughter!" My mother shouts, stress cleaning around the house but she just kept running her mouth.

I stood in the corner of the living room, just watching her as she cleans up the area. I crossed my arms over my chest, "he's my boyfriend."

Mom whipped her whole body around, her eye twitches as her mount opens—more shouting! "He's not your boyfriend! God damn it, Lawrence! You see this—" mom points her hands around me, "that's your father, because I know you didn't get that bullshit from me!" Mom scoffs, turning back around to clean up again.

Oh my god!

I fucking hate it here!

"Dad is dead! Don't fucking speak of him!" I shouted at her. That was bullshit! She had no right to say his name into our fucking argument! This wasn't about fucking him! How fucking dare she ?

Mom shakes her head, "exactly! Which is why the fuck are you acting like him!?" Mom screams, instead of grabbing stuff off the ground and throwing it away—she grabs it and throws it across the living room.

My hands curled up into a fist, hoping that she'll stop talking so I can clam down. " I don't know!" I shouted back at her, this just made things worse but I rather yell at her back than her yelling at me.

"No! Go to your room! And don't even think about coming out of that room, little girl!" My mother points up the stairs, her face turning red from how much she was bitching and crying about me. "Just wait till your brother comes here! That man will see! Luis will fuck him up!" Mom laughs like a crazy person, running her fingers through her hair.

My heart pumps out of my chest—is she fucking serious?! Luis was coming down!? He's coming down just because of Tom and I?? This is even more bullshit! Luis would crush Tom! Like actually crush him!

"Luis!?" I repeated with wide eyes.

My mom smirks and nods her head, "try to tell that man, Lawrence. Luis will only beat his ass ten times worse!"

"It's not just all Tom's fault!"

"Then whose is it?"  My mother asked me, placing her hand on her hip, giving a look that shows how annoyed and frustrated she was with me.

I licked my lips, "it was mostly mine."


"I went after him..." I whispered, rubbing my arm nervously. I knew my mother was going to be mad at me for this. She had every right to be mad at me but she doesn't have to be angry at Tom. It was all my idea, I just wanted to...feel wanted I guess.

Mom's mouth drops open and before she could answer, the front door opens. "Mom?" I heard my older brother voice echoing throughout the whole house.

My arms fly to my side while my lips turn down in a straight line, watching as my mom took Luis in a hug. It been months since I've seen him...I never mentioned him before because he's always at work all the way across the damn country.

When mom pulled away from Luis, he looks over to me—his smile dropping from his face...fuck! She already told him?!

"So...Lenny. I heard about you and some older man." Luis crosses his arms in front of his big chest. Luis was a big man, always been since we were all kids. He could pick both Ana and I up at the same time.

Mom cut in between us when I didn't answer him, "his name is Tom."

"Tom?" Luis repeated with an eyebrow raise ...his face twisted in shock.

What did that mean?

"That's his name!" Mom nods.

Luis looks away, thinking to himself before speaking up, "How old?" Backing up a bit away from me.

I scoffed at that—they think I'm dumb? I'm not saying shit! Fucking Luis! Why did she had to call him! "None of your fucking business." I shot back him, sending my brother a petty smile.

"Lenny! Fucking Language!" Luis yells jokingly but then turns serious, clearing his throat before speaking up again. "How long he's been doing that to you?" Luis grabs my hands, picking up them and holds them softly.


Tom didn't—

"No! No! Are you serious!? Tom and I have a relationship!" I screamed at them, snatching my hands back from Luis. I stubble back away from my mother and brother...are they going to send him to jail? Or prison?!

Luis sighs, "Lenny...how did you even meet him?"

Mom quickly adds, "that's what I'm trying to figure out."

"No! Leave me alone!" I shouted angrily, turning around quickly and stomping up the stairs, mom and Luis mumbling shit to each other—already knowing it's about me I still run up the stairs to my room.

I opened my room door and slammed it shut, not caring about mom's yelling how I don't need to slam her fucking doors. I had to get out of here before they try to ask more questions about Tom. It'll only be a matter of time before they find out who he actually is—my teacher.

My eyes slowly peered over to my window...

Fuck it!


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