A message from me!!

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 If you've read this story to the end, I say good job finishing it! For years I've enjoyed reading stories. I'd always want to know what's gonna happen next. Sometimes I want to be that specific character that I can relate to. Back when i was in elementary I've written a fan book about my favorite book series Goosebumps which was horror based on this spooky game called The Night Of Scares i used to play when i was a kid, I wanted to make something original but couldn't decide on what to write, I had thought up about the asylum during my fourth year in high school, since nobody even mentions that dreaded place in anywhere i've looked in the bookstore, so why not make a haunted story with like an adventure mixed into it?. I had a lot of support while writing it from my friends, relatives, classmates, teachers and so on and so forth. This was a long journey but it's reached a satisfying ending. I really enjoyed writing this. I hope that you could read my other projects with different genres.

I look forward to crossing paths with you again soon!!

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