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Back to Tom, Mia and Jessie, the three were now looking inside the library. The three had entered the room, there were no windows, so the room was very dark. The room was also dusty, sniffing around the room's atmosphere can make you sneeze.

"By the way, Tom, what are we looking for here?" asked Mia curiously. Tom didn't reply back, he was quite busy skimming the names of every book in the entire library. If there is a library here, there might be a history of this place here. Tom thought to himself.

There were thousands of books, big and small ones. Mia and Jessie walked followed Tom as he searched the entire area, they too were also looking at books. Jessie found a book and showed it to Mia

"This book is all about love." Jessie told her with a smirk on her face. "Maybe, you could use this so he'll fall in love with you."

Mia slapped the book out of Jessie's hands. "There's no way I'll fall in love with him!" she roared angrily.

"Will you two keep it down, and help me skim through every book?" Tom snapped angrily at the two.

"Sorry." The two said in unison.

They continued to look around the library, there were a lot of sections. It wasn't for so long since Tom came across the history section. He shone the flashlight at the shelf's section. All the books were made in hardback. There were thin ones and thick ones too. He skimmed through every label on the book's hearts, till he came across one. One book tinted with blue with golden letters sparkling from the light of the flashlight. It read "The History of the Golden City and its Secrets."

He pulled the thick book from the shelf. It was dusty, he swept the dust off the book's cover. This book looks promising. He thought to himself.

Mia and Jessie see Tom sitting down as he keeps looking at the book. They went close to Tom to look at the book he had found. They were dumbfounded by the book. Its letters were written in gold. "What a nice looking book there Tom." Mia complimented. Tom ignored her again. Mia and Jessie kept their eyes on the book. Tom looked back at them. "Maybe this book has something to help us with," he said.

Mia and Jessie sat down beside him, Jessie on the left and Mia on the right. Tom opened the book, all the pages were yellow, it must have been read a lot. They skimmed through its table of contents. They came across a chapter, it read:

The History of The Street of Moondust - 256

Tom immediately flipped the page to the two hundred fifty sixth page that piqued their interest. It contained every history of Moondust Street. "I found what i'm looking for." Tom muttered to himself.

"Go on, read it!" Mia instructed.

Tom averted his eyes to the pages of the book. He read through where Moondust got its name, Why it's famous for. And finally, they got through the buildings on Moondust Street. This was it. The part that they were looking for, he skimmed through every structure of Moondust Street in the book, then finally he found it.
"This is it! I found it!" Tom said excitedly. He began narrating so Mia and Jessie could hear. It read:

The Asylum of Moondust Street was constructed in October 1975, by the two siblings, Adrian Maxwell and Phoenix Maxwell. The Maxwells, built the asylum to help every person who was mentally ill or broken, It all went well for them, business of their place was booming, till one day one of their patients who was very insane, couldn't be cured, had made a deal with a devil who promised to offer him freedom if he could curse the entire asylum, the demon then cursed the entire asylum. Turning every person who was stuck in their rooms into disfigured, sadistic abominations, and anyone who tried to get in the Asylum will be unable to get out.

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