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As Bill and Tom are still driving back home to Ghostwood, it was already dark and the wind got colder and colder. "How long have we been driving?" Tom asked,

"An hour long" said Bill who was unhappy about the traffic that afternoon. "Sorry it took us so long to arrive here," he added.

"I'm not that mad, Dad. Besides it looked beautiful outside while traffic stopped flowing, I got to see the city's bright lights it's known for. What's the name of the city we drive through all the time?" Asked Tom sounding curious.

"It's The Golden City" he said "And it's a place where people do crimes to other people for their own satisfaction." He continued with a grumpy look on his face. Tom replied "I didn't know that The Golden City is a criminal's nest for evil." Bill just nodded. After that they didn't talk till they arrived at House one hundred and thirty six. The neighborhood was quiet as usual as they opened the door that night. Rosemary was sitting in the dining room. Drinking tea in a teacup.

"What took you so long that night came first before you two?" She said irritated

"Sorry about that honey, Traffic hit us hard." Bill replied

"Well you better be sorry!" snapped Rosemary "I've been worried about you two all day, why didn't you read my messages or respond to my calls?"

"Sorry again honey, my phone was silent all day" Bill replied

"I used my phone for schoolwork, Mother." Tom also replied

"This better not happen again!" As she crosses her arms at the two of them looking disappointed. As they sat down and ate dinner with her. As they ate, Rosemary started a conversation in the family.
"So how's school?" She asked Tom

"I dunno it's ok I guess, we just had a quiz and all." Tom replied

"I'm bored, let's watch television!" interrupted Bill since he had finished his dinner which was spaghetti with meatballs. As he went to the living room and turned the tv on, the first channel that came up was the news. As the news went on a news article was shown that caught Tom's eye as he was washing the plates with soap and water.

The Moondust Asylum of Moondust Street, was reported by neighbors for making noises at night. Symptoms included death whispering and a bunch of screaming around the building. Last week, Two teenagers went into the asylum to prove that the myths and rumors around the asylum were really just myths and rumors. Here was the footage the other teenager caught as his friend went inside to investigate its doors.

As Tom watched the news eager to know what happened to them. Rosemary turned the television off.

"Hey!! I'm watching here! It was just about to get good!" Bill protested. "Not now when Tom is around Bill." snapped Rosemary. Bill tried to protest again but Rosemary just shushed him again.

Eventually Bill just gave up since there was no way he would win against a fight with Rosemary, his beautiful wife.

"I'm going to bed mom. I'm not going to be late to school tomorrow." Rosemary smiles a little at Tom "Good night my little ang-

"But I thought you were going to the office with me tomorrow!"
Bill stood up to Tom. "I'm sorry Dad but Mom wouldn't let me."

Bill considers defeat and sits back down. "Well I guess we'll try another time then." Tom responds "Don't worry Dad! I'm sure we'll find another time.''As he went upstairs to head for bed. Tom couldn't sleep that night since he couldn't stop thinking about that asylum he heard on the news, he kept thinking, and thinking and thinking, until eventually he fell asleep. The next day Tom arrives at Queensburg High he was driven there by his father. Percy was quite shocked to see him.
"Well here comes the liar." He greeted Tom with a mad look on his face.

The Asylum of Moondust StreetWhere stories live. Discover now