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Tom and the group were reunited again. Percy was happy to see that his best friend was still alive. Lily ran to Tom and quickly hugged him with great delight. "Oh, how i missed you so much Tom." said Lily as he hugged him tighter as if she never wanted to let go.

"Disgusting." Sean uttered as he cringed over the romantic scene. "Oh shut up Sean." Lily snapped as he looked back at Tom, venting her worries about him.

"Weren't you clinging to Lily earlier?" asked Percy as he tried to hide his laughter from the reaction he's giving. "Don't mock me. I hate it." snapped Sean. Lily noticed Tom had a jacket wrapped around his body. "W-what happened to you?" as he looked at his blue jacket's sleeve stained with blood.

"It's a long story." answered Tom.

"I was so worried about you." cried Lily. "Don't leave us ever again."

Tom hugged her back. She hugged him even tighter.

"I promise," he whispered.

He looked at Sean with confused looks on his face. Sean waved at him in a friendly manner.

"Nice to meet you! You must be Tom right?" Sean asked.

"Yep, I am Tom," he answered back at Sean.

"Now way. Lily told me everything about yo-"

Before Sean could finish Lily slapped him out of embarrassment to prevent him from exposing more details.

"Nice to meet you Sean." Tom replied.

Sean looked him in the eyes, and gave him a nice smile while his left cheek was swelling in pain.

Tom smirked a little, but he's happy to meet him as well.

As the group happily talked about their adventures, Mia and Jessie were the only ones who didn't join in. "It sure is fun to be together again, am I right?" asked Jessie. Mia nodded as she looked at the group.

"You know.."

Jessie looked at her, wanting to hear what she'll say next.

"It's nice, you know, being with the others we left a bad taste on. Risking their lives to save us." Mia spoke as tears rolled down her cheeks. It was a beautiful sight to see.

"I wish to have more friends like them." Mia cried weakly. Jessie patted her back. "I'll always be here." Jessie assured as she comforted Mia. Tom went to them and talked to them. "You should join us. It'll be fun." Tom offered as he smiled, Mia and Jessie followed him and joined in the conversation, sharing their adventures with Tom.

"Man, I wish he'd given you weapons earlier. I feel jealous that you get to spend time with me while we rarely did." Lily said, in a happy and envious tone.

"You'll get your chance." said Jessie while sniggering.

"Anyways have you found a key?" Percy asked Tom.

"Yep, have a look!" Tom answered as he opened his backpack and pulled out a golden key with its head the shape of a red rose covered in gold.

"Wow that's a shiny key you got there!" Sean complimented.

"Thanks for the compliment Sean." as he gave the second key to Percy and put it in his backpack for safekeeping.

"We also have dirt about this place too." added Tom. he looked at Jessie, and she pulled out the book from her backpack.

"Wait, you explored a library?" Percy asked in amazement.

"Yep, but no patient was allowed to enter it, so it's a restricted library." Jessie explained and she flipped the books pages rapidly, looking for the page she's been looking to show them.

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