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As the three ate lunch together on the same table, They got to know each other. Lily was a nice girl to hang around with. As the three went home, Tom got a text from his father Bill,

Sorry kiddo, I got business to do tonight, You should commute on the way home.

"I gotta get home, I'll see you tomorrow Lily and Percy." said Tom as he started walking to the bus station.

"I'll see ya tomorrow buddy." Said Percy. "If you feel lonely give me a message." he continued as he patted his shoulders to comfort him.

"I'll go with Tom. We take the same route home" Lily spoke.

Percy waved them both goodbye as they walked so far away that they couldn't see their school anymore. As they arrived at the bus station, they sat down while waiting for the bus, Lily noted the glittering lights and the city buildings changed color.

"Isn't it pretty Tom? It's a pretty lovely sight." Lily spoke as she wanted to start a conversation with Tom. However, he just nods while smiling.

"Do you live in Ghostwood, Lily?" asked Tom, who sounded like he wanted to know more about her.

"No, I live in Blisswood. It's a noisy neighborhood since people are always happy and want to do something that makes them happier. The government keeps making weird names for our streets for this kind of stuff you know?" She said as she let out a giggle. Tom imagined how wonderful it would be if he were to live in Blisswood, but he doesn't prefer noises so he'd rather live in Ghostwood for the rest of his life since he liked the quiet life.

"I would probably be happy to be there."said Tom who was now a bit happy. "But I prefer the silence in Ghostwood." said Tom as she looked at Lily with a smile on his face. She blushed a little then smiled back at him,

Moments later the bus arrived. As Lily and Tom hopped on there were only two seats available as the bus was nearly full, as they sat together, the bus driver closed its doors and drove through The Golden City to it's next stop that you just need to walk thirty minutes to arrive at Ghostwood and Blisswood. While waiting for the bus to stop at their destination, Tom asked Lily "Have you heard of the Moondust Asylum?"
"Yeah i pretty much heard of it, i hear it everyday at school since that is what they mostly talk about there." said Lily. Tom had a crazy and dangerous idea.

"What if we went inside that Asylum? It would be a fun experience." He asked Lily

"Are you crazy Tom, no one has gotten out there alive, since most people who went in there died!" Said Lily with great concern. "What if there's ghosts and monsters?" She continued as she started shaking out of fear.
"I'll protect you when that happens Lily so don't worry." said Tom as he tried to comfort her as she shook in fear.

"N-n-no Tom please. Don't do it. Just don't" Lily was about to burst into tears. He just nodded to make her feel better. As he cuddled her closer into his arms. "There, there Lily. It's ok" consoled Tom.

"I appreciate the comfort but I'm n-not a child you know?" Lily was now starting to pout, for she was being treated like a child like Tom.

Hours passed and they arrived. As they hopped off the bus, The moon was having a solar eclipse. Minutes later they arrive at the street with street arrows saying GO LEFT FOR BLISS WOOD for the left, as for the right arrow it said GO RIGHT FOR GHOSTWOOD

"I guess this is where I say goodbye to you." Said Lily as they walked separate paths, Tom waved goodbye to her while giving her a warm smile. As Tom walked past the street lamps and houses, he heard those whisperings again and again "You'll die with us" . It kept on going until he couldn't take this nonsense anymore and ran straight home. As he arrived at his family's doorstep, he knocked on the door. As Rosemary opened the door, he was surprised to see Tom gasping and wheezing for air. "Goodness me what the hell happened to you?" As Tom tried to speak, Rosemary stopped in "Just get in already and go change." as she let Tom in the house, he got changed and ate dinner. "So how's school? Any new friends?" she asked as they ate veggies with barbecue.

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