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Mia and Jessie were there, blocking the door while trying to figure out what to do, Percy asked the two "What the hell are you two doing in there?" As the two girls heard them, they looked back at them to answer their question. "The d-door l-locked itself while we were searching for you." panicked Mia, Percy asked them another question.

"Why were you searching for us though?" asked Percy again.

Mia refused to say why, for some reason, Jessie decided to speak. "We wanted to play a prank on you two. We spied on you around the time you were comforting Lily." explained Jessie. "We thought scaring you would teach you guys a lesson so that you won't mess with us." she added. The whole area went silent. So silent the only thing you'd hear are the mice squeaking, the cockroaches crawling and the wind blowing from outside the asylum.

The rage inside Lily and Tom were shaking inside them. How could the two do such a thing? After all, they didn't do anything but stand up for themselves when she insulted them.

"How could you!" said Lily who was now raising her club in the air about to kill Mia. Tom restrained her arms so she wouldn't hurt them.

"LET ME GO TOM! THEY DESERVE IT ANYWAY!" screamed Lily. Tom stayed silent for a moment. Then he whispered to her ear,

"You can't kill her. She's a person. she'll change, just give them a chance." Lily stopped wriggling as Tom let her arms go. She instead crossed her arms as she looked at the two with an angry look.

"Well, well, well you said you were brave, I'm quite surprised that a locked door is enough to scare the souls out of you." said Lily who wanted to laugh at Mia for her cowardness but wouldn't since Tom would think of her differently.

"It locked by itself as we ran for it." cried Mia as she explained. "Someone locked us from outside. We couldn't see who it was since it was foggy, but I caught a glimpse and no one was there."

"Man, your such pretty good liars that you can fool any-

Tom stopped her from finishing, Mia was scared, how can someone lie when they are too terrified to lie.

"If you're telling the truth, prove it." Tom said with a skeptical look on his face. As Mia and Jessie got up, they rattled the door open, it was stuck and locked from the outside. They even kicked the door but to no avail, it didn't budge.

"Move over, so i know you tell the truth" said Percy as he pushed the two girls aside. He rattled the door open and banged on it, to his surprise they were right. It was locked.

"Uhhhh, Tom, they are telling the truth!" Percy said as he started shaking again.

"I believe the door is locked but i don't believe someone locked us from the outside, it's abandoned after all."

Tom started cursing. This was bad. They were stuck in an asylum, and nearly got killed by an insane chef. And there's faint light, meaning anyone or something can attack them in the dark. Tom was panicking, he didn't know what to do. Percy and Lily were arguing with Mia and Jessie for their actions, his mind started to panic, his head felt light, as he closed his eyes, the voices of his friends and enemies faded as he fell to the ground unconscious.

Tom, please live.

Don't die yet, Tom.

He heard the voices of his friends. Was it inside his mind? He tried to open his eyes but it felt like they were glued there. Until he finally managed to do so. He could see the lights of the entrance of the asylum, they were still there where they started. Lily and Percy were in front of his face, checking to see he's alive, as Tom weakly opened his eyes, he managed to see the smiles on their faces when they discovered he's still alive. As he weakly sat back up, Lily and Percy hugged him, for he was alive. He had passed out from the stress his friends caused.

"I was so scared I thought I'd already lost you." said Lily, whose face was now flowing with tears.

"Don't you ever do that to us again!" Percy said as he was also afraid to lose his best friend.

"Such a bunch of drama queens you got as friends."
"Shut your ass up, Mia!" The two said in perfect sync. As she let out a scuff, she didn't care about them at all. "Are we already outside?" Tom asked weakly. Lily shook her head sadly.

As the two helped Tom stand back up at his feet, He looked at Mia and Jessie. "Well are you just gonna stand there sitting pretty? Help us get out of here and you can come with us." Tom suggested. Mia ignored him, Tom shrugged his shoulders and they went upstairs to the asylum's second floor. As for Mia and Jessie they just sat at the exit waiting for help to arrive.

"Well we can't just stand here and wait for help." Jessie spoke to Mia.

"They'll do the work for us Jessie so don't worry." said Mia who looked quite confident.

Idiot. Muttered Jessie.

As the hours passed Jessie and Mia stood still at the exit. Jessie, who was now starting to get too bored by waiting for help, decided to stand up to Mia. "I'm tired of waiting, I'll just help them."
"Not you too." snapped Mia, but Jessie didn't care at all

"If we help them, we can get out of here faster." Jessie added.

"Then you help them, you're working for me anyways." Mia scoffed. Jessie was tired of being bossed around by her.

"Suit yourself, cos I'm leaving!" as she walked away from Mia who had her arms crossed and didn't dare make eye contact with her as she left her alone.

Meanwhile, Tom and the gang managed to go to the second floor of the asylum, the hallways were long, and the ceiling lights were flashing rapidly, it looked very rotten and old, as the floor had a bunch of dirt and debris. "Man, this place gives me the creeps, so we gotta get out of here fast." Tom instructed Lily and Percy.

"Can't we just jump out the window?" Percy asked stupidly.

"There's no grass and we don't know what we'll land on dummy." answered Lily.

"I knew that from the start." lied Percy as he couldn't stop thinking about death. As the trio explored the rooms of the hallway, they came across a room labeled,


Tom was curious what the room looked like even though all the rooms they went through were just a bed on the left side of the room and a vase with dead flowers in it, sitting in the desk in front of the broken glass windows. As Tom's hand went closer through the doorknob, they heard footsteps coming up the stairs, Lily and Tom prepared their weapons, while Percy hid behind them shaking, could it be a ghost? They thought.

As the silhouette of the shadow got bigger, they were now prepared to attack but when the figure finally got up the stairs, they tried to figure out who it was, but it was too dark. Lily and Tom went a little closer, Percy followed behind them.

"Wait, I'm here to help!" said the figure as it raised its hands to show it's innocent. Tom and Lily stopped. As Percy shone his flashlight at the figure. It was just Jessie, who went looking for them.

The Asylum of Moondust StreetWhere stories live. Discover now