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It was the dead of night, The moon glowed a bright light, the streets were silent and the street lamps were open, and the only thing you will hear are the crickets chirping, This is where the story takes place.

In the silent neighborhood of Ghostwood. There lives a young boy who goes by the name of Tom. Tom was fast asleep cuddled tight under his blanket. The only things he could hear was the clock ticking, and the wind blowing from his air conditioner. As the clock kept ticking, these words muttered non-stop in his head. Suffer here with us. These words kept repeating in his dreams as a figure with white eyes woke him up in a state of shock. He gasped and wheezed from a horrible dream he had tonight. As he looked at the clock. He saw that the clock's hands were pointed at the twelve. at midnight. What was that dream all about, why did he have it? Tom didn't know why or how he came up with that dream. As he went back and tucked himself in bed. Trying to fall asleep, He couldn't that night, until he managed to fall asleep after two hours had passed.

As he woke up again for the second time, He went to check the clock again. It was now five in the morning, as he put down his clock back on his shelf besides the photo of his family, His mom knocked on his door to wake him up. "Tom. You should get up. Breakfast is ready!!" Tom responded back "Coming Mom!" As he walked outside he went to the bathroom to get himself ready for another day at school. As he went down the stairs, His mother was preparing breakfast for him and his father as his dad was off to work early too. His father works in an office of a car company that he had been working on for 18 years. "Today is payment day. I got a good feeling about this one!" Said his father happily as he ate his eggs and sausages with a smile on his face.

"I wouldn't be so sure Bill, they hardly paid you last month."
"Oh Rosemary just believe in me for once im sure of it!"

His parent's names were Rosemary and Bill yet he calls them Mom and Dad since he respects them for raising him a good kid, "Dad will you take me to school today?" He asked willingly. "Oh why not? Get in the car once you finish your breakfast." He happily replied to his son. As Tom finished his breakfast, he walked out the door and sat inside the car waiting for his father to come out the door. A few minutes passed, he saw his mother and father outside the door, he opened the car's window to hear what they were saying. He could hear his mother say "Have fun you two, and take good care of Tom as you drive him to school." After that Bill kissed Rosemary's cheek as he went outside the gate and got inside the car's driver seat. As he started the car, Bill looked back at Tom asking "Are you ready Tom?" Tom, holding his backpack tight nods with a smile that looks fake but that's how he actually smiles. "As they drove into the streets Tom could see the sun rising, and hear the cars honking their horns so the other cars moved along. At about 7 o' clock, they arrived at Queensburg High. The school where Tom goes in his high school years. As Tom got out of the car as he walked to the school's gates, His father waves him goodbye and tells him that he loves him. Tom gives a kind smile at his father as he enters the school's gate and inside its doors.

The school was noisy as usual since some came to make friends. He was there to finish studying. As he got to his locker to take out his books. He would hear a voice he felt familiar, a boy who likes Japanese cartoons proven by wearing a shirt with a picture of a Kaiya Mizuki from his favorite show "Kaiya's High School Journal." He wore quite plain pants and red Converse shoes. As he walked towards him. He waves at Tom with a childish wave. Tom waves back politely as he got closer he started speaking, "Tom!! It's been ages since Christmas break! So excited to hear about your life since the break!".

"Hello Percy. It's nice to see you again, I can't tell you anything about how boring my life is with a bunch of homework they gave us to do during winter break." He responded.
Percy suddenly realized,

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