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After a long week of classes and two boring weekends, Monday arrived. The three were going to a haunted asylum to discover what makes it haunted when it looks abandoned. As Tom waited at the bus stop for them, he wore a navy-blue jacket that was buttoned, and long pants to cover his legs, he also wore his "lucky shoes" which were black and white Converse shoes. As he waited for them. He messaged Percy

When are you gonna arrive, Percy?

To his luck there was no reply, he also texted Lily but she didn't reply either. Moments passed as the sun rose higher it got hotter he was about to pass out from the heat until he heard someone from the distance..

"Hey Tom! Sorry to keep you waiting!"

He snapped out of his consciousness as he saw Percy and Lily arrive at the same time.

Percy wore quite plain pants. With a white colored t-shirt, coated by a purple hoodie with Mizuki's face on it. He also wore navy blue shoes

Lily wore a light blue shirt with long sleeves and wore a long skirt that reached below her knees. She wore long socks and white shoes.

"What took you guys so long?" asked Tom who was a bit agitated that they didn't arrive on time.

"Sorry about that Tom." Lily spoke. "Me and Percy rode on the bus together and we kind of got stuck in traffic."
"I thought something was going to happen to the two of you." said Tom who was now starting to calm down.

Percy hung his arm around Tom. "Aww, did sweetie Tom miss his deary, deary friends?" Said Percy in a cute teasing voice.

"Oh, shut up Percy." Tom threw his arm off him. Lily let out a little giggle.

"Let's walk, it'll take us an hour.
"Your parents allowed you to go there right?"
"My parents aren't here they were on vacation and i asked them already if i could go out with my friends." he explained

"So they agreed to let you go to the asylum?" Percy asked

"Yeah, but I didn't tell them we are going to the asylum."
Percy gulped.

"You're horrible to lie to your parents," said a grumpy Lily.

"Sorry about that. Won't do that again after this." said Tom who was guilty.

As they started walking, they didn't realize Mia and her friends were hiding on a large hedge.

"So they want to be scared, huh?" asked her friend.
"We'll give them that Jessie." said Mia

Mia and Jessie were quite good friends. Jessie was a goth girl with fair skin and black eyes. She mostly wears black accessories and clothes since in her opinion, any color doesn't suit her at all.

As they sneaked and spied on Tom and his friends, Tom felt someone was following them and decided to look back.

As he looked back he saw there was no one behind them, as Mia and Jessie hid behind the house alleys.

I have the feeling that someone is following us. He thought to himself.

As he looked forward again as they got closer to Moondust Street. The girls got back up on their feet and continued to sneak on them without making a sound.

"Do you guys get the feeling someone is following us?" Percy asked as he started to shiver.

"Yeah, I quite agree. Let's make a run for it." added Lily.

"Let's not tire ourselves. That asylum ain't going anywhere." said Tom who was trying to stop the two from running away.

They kept walking, and walking, till after an hour passed, fog arrived and they couldn't see anything.

The Asylum of Moondust StreetWhere stories live. Discover now