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Lily asked Jessie, "What are you doing around here? Weren't you with Mia at the exit?"
"I left Mia there, I was bored so I thought, maybe I could help you guys."
"Serve's that girl right for messin' with us!" scoffed Lily.

"Anyways can i join you guys?" she pleaded to the three.

"I guess, if you don't cause us trouble then you're good to go." Tom responded, feeling excited that another one had joined his adventure. "I'm glad that you let me join. I was bored of waiting for help down there." sighed Jessie who looked quite happy. Percy and Lily were still skeptical as Lily whispered to Tom

"Are you sure you can trust this girl? She's friends with that bitch." Tom muttered, "She's our friend so treat her nicer will ya?" Lily held back and just nodded. She looked at Jessie and offered to shake hands with her. She did anyway. As the two shake hands. Percy watched them do so, then he looked at Tom and whispered to his ear. "Glad that they got along well." Tom just gave him a smile that says "I know".

As Tom and Percy watch Lily and Jessie get along well, Jessie asks Tom. "So, what were you guys doing just now before we bumped into each other?"

"We were just gonna open this door!" he explained.

"Well what are you waiting for? Open it!" she said.

As Tom looked forward at the door 542, He reached his hand on the doorknob and turned it slowly. It creaked as it was a rusty, old doorknob. Then he opens the door gently, with the weapons held outside in their hands just in case someone tries to attack them from the dark. It looked like every house's attic. Dusty and old, cobwebs everywhere, everything looked rotten and broken. And you could hear the mice squeaking. In the center stood an old chair with a bunch of tears and rips. There sat someone old. stroking her dead cat while humming: You are My Sunshine.

Tom got closer to the person "Excuse me?" he asked, the person stopped humming as she heard Tom's voice, she looked at him, her skin was wrinkled and old. She looked like a hundred years old. "What brings you here?" she asked. Lily and Percy hold out their weapons as Jessie hides behind them, to use them as a shield. and the old lady saw them.

"No need to harm me, children. I'm harmless." she spoke. As Tom got closer to the lady. She gave him a weak smile but couldn't make it since her facial muscles are dead. "How long have you been in this abandoned place?" he asked.

"I've been here for a while now. I can't stand up to get out since my legs are weak." said the old lady. Percy and Lily felt bad for her. She couldn't get out of the haunted place even if she wanted to. She was so old that if she stood up all her bones would crack in an instant and die a painful death. Tom looked at her and asked her out of his curiosity. "What are you stroking mam?"

"My old cat. It kept me company when the poor souls outside roamed and took anyone who went in." she explained

"Is there a way to get out of this place?" Tom asked.

"I'm afraid I don't know. I've never left this room in all my life being stuck here." she answered.

Tom understood there was no way out. As he walked back to his friends to tell him the bad news.
"Wait!" shouted the old lady.
Tom looked back at her, wondering why she did that.

"Are you perhaps locked inside this building?" she asked.

"We were locked in by an unseen force, Mia told us." Percy answered. The old lady frowned as she tried to think of a plan to get the children out of the haunted asylum.

"Look for the old keys on this entire asylum. There lies answers in the old office of the owner of this place, I advise you to keep your weapons on the ready as you search the other floors for the missing keys." She instructed the four.

The Asylum of Moondust StreetWhere stories live. Discover now